Hasson and Benion will meet to decide on a golden future

by time news

Gidi Lipkin

Yossi Banyon, Oren Hasson and Eran Zahavi (Shahar Gross and Redad Jabara)

Yossi Banyon, Oren Hasson and Eran Zahavi (Shahar Gross and Redad Jabara)

Oren Hasson, the chairman of the football association, is expected to meet in the coming days with the professional director of the senior national team, Yossi Benyon, to see how the issue of Eran Zahavi can be resolved. .

On the other hand, the association knows that this is not an easy situation, especially after Zahavi’s reactions and the ultimatum he set in terms of the requirement to accept the single room. national team coach, Alon Hazan He also said yesterday on the subject to ONE as part of a comprehensive interview: “As soon as we were with the team for three games and we conveyed the message to the players, I cannot now have a player come to bend the rules. It is not respectful to the players and to themselves.”

So even the football association understands that it won’t be easy, when it comes to stubborn characters with a lot of ego, and therefore Hasson will have to see how it is possible to find an outline that will be acceptable to everyone, will get everyone out in order, and will be able to pave the way for Zahavi to return to wear the uniform of the Israel national team and give For him to retire from the national team with honor, and not for him to end his career in the national team in such a way that no player deserves, and certainly not a player like him.

Will the parties find a compromise?  Zahavi (Radad Jabara)Will the parties find a compromise? Zahavi (Radad Jabara)

As far as the team members are concerned, there is no player above the team and it doesn’t matter what his name is, and Hassan will have to see how he charts the right path. As I recall, in a post written by Zahavi about what happened when he was not invited to the national team, he expressed disappointment in the way he handled Hasson’s case and criticized him.

In the meantime, following the success of the teams and also the promotion of the youth team to the finals of the Euro Games, a continuation of the success of the youth team, according to the association’s initial calculation, this is an increase of millions of shekels in expenses in terms of additional training games, training camps, the addition of many staff members, etc. This is an additional expenditure of at least over NIS 10-12 million. The association expects the state to help finance the great success, and intend to make an orderly appeal, this is so that the national teams can prepare properly.

Who deserves the credit for the team’s achievements this week?

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