have a guess as to why the woman is not named

by times news cr

Over the weekend, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis, whose name has so far been inflected most often in the context of the appointment of the European Commissioner, stated that he will work for Lithuania in other ways, because he knows that his candidacy for the European Commission (EC) will not pass the barrier of President Gitanas Nausėdas.

He assured Prime Minister I. Šimonyta that he himself offered to look for another possible surname, naming A. Kubilius as well. It is this politician’s name that should be heard at the meeting of the coalition council on Monday afternoon.

E. Gentvilas: A. Kubilius is a whole head taller than G. Landbergis

At the coalition council held at the end of June, Liberal Movement elder Eugenijus Gentvilas mentioned the name of A. Kubilius as a suitable candidate for European Commissioners – so at least A. Kubilius would definitely have his support when voting in the Seimas.

“My opinion of A. Kubilius is good and very good, but that does not mean that (liberals – aut.past) everyone in the group will support him. It is not the members of the coalition council that must come to an agreement, but the factions that must ensure vote support for the nominated candidate”, said E. Gentvilas.

The liberal mentioned the advantages of A. Kubilius: former long-time member of the Seimas, chairman of the European Affairs Committee, twice prime minister, has been working in the European Parliament for five years.

Therefore, A. Kubilius, having various competences, in E. Gentvilo’s estimation, could receive much more diverse portfolios than G. Landsbergis could have received.

“A. Kubilius’ competence is not in doubt in many spheres – you can attach any portfolio to him from foreign policy, economic policy, budget, finance, trade, after all, both transport and energy are known to A. Kubilius.

While working as prime minister, he encountered European regulations either in transport, energy or trade, and those things are like half the job well done for him. I have no doubts about his competence.

That’s why I mentioned A. Kubilius – because G. Landsbergis, as I said, sensing the political situation, has no chance of passing, but from the point of view of competence, A. Kubilius is a head higher than Gabrielias in various spheres, although his competence in foreign policy is also excellent”, he taught. E. Gentvil.

“A. Kubilius has spread his wings significantly wider and covered a significantly larger number of positions and possible portfolios. A. Kubilius would be someone who does not necessarily need a portfolio related to foreign policy – he can be a European Commissioner in more than one sphere”, he concluded.

However, the fact that G. Landsbergis named only the surname of A. Kubilius probably means that only one – and only a man’s – surname will be provided.

“This is a sad situation. So far, only six women have been named in the European Commission. Lithuania would be the one from which one could expect a female European Commissioner – but it seems not.

In a way, I understand that by proposing Gintarė Skaistė, the Prime Minister would find herself in a position as if the Presidency imposed that candidate on her. Frederik Janson had mentioned her. And she feels very uncomfortable here.

It is better to propose the candidate whom I think she appreciates well, and the president did not impose on her,” the liberal thought.

E. Gentvilas noticed that he could also receive reprimands, that he mentioned the name of A. Kubilius, but the politician would not agree with such an assessment.

“I really didn’t remember – I named a name that could more easily pass all the barriers,” he said.

A. Armonaitė: the curtain has come down

“I can only be happy that the drama is finally over, the curtain came down, the audience applauded, and on the very last day we reach a decision.

That on the last day, apparently, I regret more, but I’m glad that it’s already being talked about concretely”, – to the portal lrytas.lt said Aušrinė Armonaitė, chairwoman of the Freedom Party, on Monday.

According to her, the candidacy of A. Kubiliaus is strong and solid, so Lithuania can apply for a wide range of portfolios.

“Both related to foreign policy, economy, and energy, the coalition council will meet and we will discuss. We initiated this coalition meeting, calling for a broader view, to take into account not only politicians, but also women actors in business, society, and the academic world, who could possibly occupy that position.

The candidacy was proposed by the party – of course, there is such a right, and everything is in order, so we will discuss how the process will be navigated from here on,” explained the chairman of “Laisviečiai”.

However, A. Armonaitė regretted that Lithuania dragged out the time with the European Commissioner’s question for so long.

“President Ursula von der Leyen is waiting for the nominations of all our countries until the 19th, but Lithuania, as students, is electing and announcing its leaders on the 19th,” the politician noted.

Last week, the Freedom Party published a list of names of women who could represent Lithuania in the European Commission, urging the major coalition partners to close this issue as soon as possible.

A. Kubilius himself said that he is not invading the EC, and that he will reveal the final decision publicly only after the meeting of the coalition council.

“I’m not pushing, that was my attitude and it remains, but after receiving both the offer and the call, I had to make a decision,” A. Kubilius said to Elta.

G. Nausėda’s chief advisor Frederikas Janson noted on Monday that A. Kubilius’ candidacy for the EC was coordinated last week

“The candidacy of Andrias Kubilius was agreed last week during the discussions between the president and the prime minister regarding the member of the European Commission,” F. Janson confirmed to Elta.

ELTA reminds that on Friday G. Landsbergis said that he received information that President G. Nausėda would not approve of his candidacy for European Commissioner. Therefore, according to the conservative leader, Prime Minister I. Šimonytė should look for other names when looking for a candidate for the EC.

On Saturday, F. Janson said that the candidate will be offered to the person who will be able to occupy the mentioned positions and will be coordinated between the institutions.

2024-08-19 13:53:44

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