Having a dirty colon can be the cause of your bad breath or some other health problem

by time news

Having a dirty colon could be the cause of your bad breath, even when you’ve brushed your teeth. Pay attention, as this sign may indicate a delicate health problem that you should not let go.

He National Cancer Institute define al colon in this way: it is a part of the digestive system. is the longest part of the large intestine, which is responsible for extracting water and nutrients from digested food. What does not work, becomes stool and they move through the colonare stored in the rectoto go out for the anus.

When it does not work correctly, some discomfort and also health problems begin to appear. Hence the importance of addressing any discomfort so that it does not trigger a more delicate situation.

What happens when I have a dirty colon

Having a dirty colon can be the cause of your bad breath or some other health problem. Photo iStock

Biosalud Day Hospital points out that of not having a clean colondiscomfort may arise in other areas of the body. One of those problems may be bad breath. While we sleep, the heavy intestine is detoxified to remove everything you don’t need.

How to know if bad breath comes from the colon

However, when the colon is dirtyis accumulating substances in the intestine walls that end up “spoiling” there. Not having the clean colonwe will notice bad breath when waking up

The problem is that many people do not know the importance of take care of the colon and keep it clean to avoid bigger problems.

The experts of Mayo Clinic point out that it is a chronic disorder frequent in which the large intestine. The main annoyances are: Colic, abdominal swelling, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gases o constipation. It is important to emphasize that this syndrome does not cause changes in the intestinal tissue neither increases the colorectal cancer risk.

Having a dirty colon can be the cause of your bad breath or some other health problem. Photo iStock

Los symptoms most common are:

Changes in the appearance of stoolas well as changes in the frequency of going to the bathroom.

Painswollen or cramps in the intestinal tract.

-can also occur mucus in the stool.

– Many gases.

Unfortunately the exact cause of this is unknown. syndromealthough there are contributing factors:

+ Contractions in the large intestinecan cause diarrhea, gases o swelling. When the muscle contracts, the passage of food slows down, causing dry stools and hard.

+The irritable bowel syndrome can appear after a problem gastroenteritis (stomach infection), caused by viruses or bacteria. Although it can also be due to excess bacteria in the intestines.

+ Who suffers from stress from an early age is more prone to this syndrome.

Las consequences of a dirty colon son:

As said, the colon has a very important role in the purification of toxins from the body. If you do not evacuate correctly there may be: mood swings, abdominal swelling, headache or back, weight problems, constipation, lack of appetite, bad breathlack of energy, skin problems (blemishes, pimples or pimples), stressanxiety, varicose veins or that the immune system is weakened.

there may also be Hair loss due to a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Esta bacteria cause stomach infections and can cause peptic ulcers or stomach cancerpoints out the National Library of Medicine. It is related to hair loss because the bacteria secrete a large amount of proteins and substances that damage the skin. mucosa intestinal and malabsorption pictures. Hair loss is due to intestinal malabsorptionwhich prevents the necessary nutrients from reaching that area of ​​the body.

How to remove bad breath from the colon

Having a dirty colon can be the cause of your bad breath or some other health problem. Photo iStock

Mayo Clinic points out that cleaning is carried out in preparation for some medical procedure; although some specialists offer it as an alternative detox.

The colonic irrigation is not necessary, because the intestines and the digestive system They are responsible for eliminating what the body does not need. colon cleanse as purification it can cause arthritis or high blood pressure. There may also be dehydration tear of the rectum or infection.

What is good for cleansing the colon and liver

Drinking water frequently, eating foods with fiber and a special diet are key to colon cleanse and the liver.

It will always be best to consult with a certified expert to find out what is most recommended, avoid putting your health at risk.

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If you notice that no matter how much rinse you use your bad breath it doesn’t go away, it could be consequence of having a dirty colon. See your doctor for a more detailed review.

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