“He asked me for six debates and now he is not able to do the second”

by time news

2023-09-26 23:13:25

Everything indicated that amnesty would be the key word on which the investiture debate of the presidential candidate, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, would revolve. And yes, the leader of the Popular Party started his intervention in the gallery of the Congress of Deputies by charging against her, against that condition that the Catalan independentists imposed to support a Government.

What did not seem so predictable was the appearance of Óscar Puente, from whom the ‘popular’ took the mayor’s office of Valladolid despite it being the most voted list and the non-intervention of the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who days of the debate he decided to delegate this speech to the socialist deputy to show the “contradictions” of the Popular Party. Some voices have also been missing, such as that of Podemos, which asks the leader of Sumar not to become a “comparsa” of the PSOE.

The session began promptly at 12:00 p.m. Inside the chamber some territorial ‘barons’ could be seen supporting Feijóo, such as the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras.

He has claimed his rejection of the demands of parties such as Junts and ERC for “principles, limits and words”, thus ruling out his support for this investiture. Feijóo points out that outside the Constitution there is no democracy.

“The amnesty or any equivalent or analogous formula is an appropriate instrument to overcome the Catalan conflict. Likewise, this conflict will not be definitively resolved if we do not contemplate the right of the people of Catalonia to decide through a referendum or any equivalent or analogous formula. “This would be enough, right? Well no. I’m not going to defend that,” Feijóo proclaimed.

The first day of the investiture debate of the popular candidate Alberto Núñez Feijóo concluded around 9:20 p.m. this Tuesday, after seven and a half hours of plenary session in Congress. The debate will resume at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning with interventions by Bildu and the PNV.

Feijóo: “Outside the Constitution there is no democracy”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has defended his electoral program before the Lower House. Mental health, the Education law or the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI) have been present in the discourse. In short, he has made six proposals for a State pact before the chamber.

In his speech, he outlined some of the measures that he would implement if he reaches Moncloa: he will reduce personal income tax for low and medium incomes (with incomes of up to 40,000 euros), he will temporarily extend the VAT reduction on food to meat, fish and preserves. In addition to an aid of 200 euros for the most vulnerable and free public transport.

More doctors for mental health

The PP candidate has promised more doctors for mental health in public health and an extraordinary MIR for family doctors, giving priority to those who decide to practice their activity in rural areas.

Law of education

Feijóo also proposes negotiating with political forces, with the educational community and with civil society an educational law “so that it does not change with the next Government.”

“I categorically reject that education is a weapon of political confrontation, it is the future (…) that is what we have damaged with eight educational reforms since the beginning of democracy.” In addition, he proposes advancing a “more inclusive” educational law to avoid 17 different EBAUs.

Raise workers’ salaries

The leader of the ‘popular’ party proposes raising the interprofessional minimum wage to 60% of the average wage “with objective criteria” and criticizes that the increase approved by the socialists is below what prices have increased.

The amnesty, defended by Sumar and attacked by the PP

The spokesperson in Sumar’s Congress, Marta Lois, has claimed the amnesty as “an opportunity to turn the page” in Catalonia and assures that this law is not aimed “at the political elites”, but for “hundreds of anonymous people.”

“It seems that it is a misfortune for those who want to continue living off the conflict and profit from it,” said the spokesperson, who asked Feijóo “what is his fear” of this possible amnesty law. The formation led by Yolanda Díaz assumes that Feijóo’s investiture will fail and that Pedro Sánchez’s will go ahead.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo continues to reach out and offers the socialist leader an “alternative” based on six State pacts to “restore harmony, equality and collective ambition” in the face of the amnesty and the roadmap that seeks to “impose the minority “. Furthermore, he has appealed to Junts and PNV, stressing that he is a “trustworthy president (…) I have no doubt that Catalonia and the Basque Country could use a President of the Government who is not going to deceive his citizens.” “.

The natural leader of Galicia emphasizes that he is not going to renounce the equality of Spaniards nor is he going to go through “any hoops imposed on me against the general interest” to be President of the Government. “I reiterate because I believe that there is a group that has not heard me perfectly. I have the votes within my reach to be president of the Government, but I do not accept paying the price they ask of me to do so.”

Óscar Puente, ‘sneaks in’ by surprise to represent the PSOE

No, Pedro Sánchez did not intervene in the investiture debate held this Tuesday. The acting President of the Government delegated to Óscar Puente, former mayor of Valladolid, the turn to respond. According to Ferraz sources, it was news that few people knew because they wanted the opposition not to find out.

Puente, despite being the most voted list in Valladolid, is not the mayor of the city, since PP and Vox joined their votes and Carnero snatched the baton from him. The PSOE deputy addressed Feijóo “from winner to winner” and asked him to explain “what the winner of the elections and the most voted list is like” because “we haven’t quite figured it out.”

Shouts of “coward, coward” to Sánchez

With this ‘surprise’ on the part of the PSOE that it was Puente who went down the stairs of Congress to address the tribune, they wanted to exemplify a similar situation that occurred after the 28M elections and show its “contradictions.”

“He asked me for six debates (…) now he is not capable of the second”

Something that the Popular Party has criticized and Feijóo has described as “regrettable” that the head of the Executive has not responded in the debate. They believe that Sánchez “has crossed a limit” and that he “is not worthy of the Presidency, nor of the minutes, nor of the position of general secretary of the PSOE.”

“He asked me for six debates in the electoral campaign and now he is not capable of doing the second”, words that caused the PP bench to stand up and begin to shout “coward, coward”, in reference to the president of the Government .

The president of Congress, Francina Armengol, has had to ask for silence and “respect” in the Chamber and has assured that she was not going to allow “insults”: “This is not a schoolyard.”

After this commotion, Yolanda Díaz has proclaimed that the “spectacle” is a “luxury” for those who do not need politics and that citizens “cannot waste any more time.” “The spectacle is a luxury that only the privileged can afford, those who do not need politics. Citizens cannot waste any more time,” she wrote at 4:42 p.m. on the social network ‘X’.

Does the PP have the support of Vox? Abascal recriminates Feijóo at the investiture

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has reaffirmed the support of his deputies for the PP investiture, although he has reproached him for not supporting his motions of censure against Pedro Sánchez, criticizing the president of the ‘popular’ parties for the arguments they used to abstain.

Abascal has launched several ‘attacks’ on the PP using the arguments they used to reject and abstain from the motions presented. “I could tell you today, as a reproach, that you have to know how to add, that they don’t give the numbers for this investiture or that it is an idle investiture, even that it is a oxygen tank for the PSOE or simple propaganda, but “I’m not going to say it because I don’t believe it.”

ERC warns Sánchez: “An amnesty must lay the foundations for a new 1-O to occur”

The ERC spokesperson, Gabriel Rufián, using Catalan – although in his second intervention he used Spanish – warns the leader of the socialists that a hypothetical amnesty law for the events of October 1, 2017 “must lay the foundations for that a new 1-O will take place”.

“The amnesty is not the end,” he says while insisting that the talks end in a referendum. He has also repeated to Feijóo that he does not have a majority to govern because the system is representative “it is neither Pasapalabra, nor is it the Champions League nor is it Rolland Garros”, he indicated and therefore “it is not whoever wins who wins” but whoever can add to govern. . “And you, Mr. Feijóo, simply cannot.”

Junts reiterates Puigdemont’s conditions for the investiture

The spokesperson for Junts in Congress, Míriam Nogueras, has taken advantage of the debate to reiterate the conditions that Carles Puigdemont set out to start a negotiation on an eventual investiture of Pedro Sánchez and has done so by emphasizing that this process “is not yet” open, but “expected”.

“We are talking about that, if there is an agreement, this must be a historic agreement, a historic commitment,” said Nogueras. In his turn to reply, Feijóo responded by assuring that “to be historic, agreements have to be legal. And if we don’t like them, we will have to vote and see if they are changed. Be careful with making illegal agreements because in the end you will discover that they have cheated”.

Voting at noon

After more than seven hours of investiture session, the debate has been interrupted and will resume tomorrow, Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

After the interventions, the vote will proceed, which could take place at noon and will be done by call, that is, each deputy will be named and he will stand up to proclaim his vote: ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘abstention’.

The time at which the result of this ‘first round’ is announced will mark the plenary session that will have to be held in 48 hours, on Friday, September 29, in the event that Feijóo does not achieve, as expected, the absolute majority (176 deputies). which is required on the first attempt.

#asked #debates

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