He demanded compensation from the confectioner for the excrement

by time news

2023-08-22 19:30:00

A customer entered Kis Virág on Klauzál tér recently when a pigeon found it full. He tried to clean his shirt in the restroom, then asked for the complaint book and described the incident in detail. He demanded HUF 15,000 in compensation, which László Gyuris, the managing director of the company that operates Virág, considered a strong exaggeration, since the amount can be used to buy a new shirt, and the cleaners clean a shirt for HUF 1,000.

The Gyuris immediately reported the serious complaint to the competent authorities. They wrote to the clerk of Szeged, the Public Health Department of the Csongrád-Csanád County Government Office, the Consumer Protection Inspectorate of the Csongrád-Csanád County Government Office, the Csongrád-Csanád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Animal Health and Food Inspection Station.

In their official letter, they explained that the downtown pigeon situation is a combination of several circumstances that are beyond their control and beyond their control. Gyuris added that spikes were placed on the Kis Virág sign – which is their own – but they cannot touch the building, as it is the property of the municipality. Not to mention that it could have happened anywhere, to anyone. They continued their letter by saying that they are not the cause of the inconvenience, i.e. the owner of the pigeon, and therefore their responsibility does not cover this unexpected event.

In the spirit of peace, the manager decided to present the complainant with a HUF five thousand shopping voucher. With Gyuris, as he said, what blew the fuse was that the man went back to them after that and complained that he could only spend the voucher at the pastry shop.

We have no information as to what kind of cake the complainant with the folded shirt bought with the five thousand HUF voucher.

They mediate lawsuits

The United States treats us to strange, outrageous, funny, just and seemingly unjust compensation lawsuits. There is a separate television program that broadcasts trials, and each judge and lawyer has a ready-made fan base.

#demanded #compensation #confectioner #excrement

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