He founded a company to import art: “I very quickly felt the difficulty of running a business here”

by time news

At the age of 21, Barak Nachmani went on a big trip to the United States, after which he started a temporary job at a huge corporation in the country. Later, he was sent to Relokchain in China as the supply chain manager of the company where he worked. As part of the role, heA. He managed a large line of products in the lifestyle and fashion field, which opened channels for him to markets around the world. These channels were used by the company he founded in 2018 – Resort.

Resort Company is a retail company that imports, produces and curates art related to interior design. In addition to imports, the company manufactures customized furniture using premium raw materials. She also produces handmade textiles. Together, these items create art and luxury for lovers of style and design, and are displayed in the resort gallery in Neve Tzedek.

“The process of buying, designing and importing begins with ideas that take shape during my travels around the world and even in third world countries and exotic destinations. Added to this are the international exhibitions and the exposure to a wide variety of design styles and my ability to combine them all,” says Barak.

Barak tells about the management difficulties he experienced. “Management is challenging in Israel. As an importer, I feel the difficulty in the complex import processes and especially the bureaucratic chain – the inspection, the standard, the payments. These things are felt even more strongly in regards to customs clearance until the item reaches the gallery. Today more than ever we also feel the transportation prices that have increased by hundreds of percent “.

As mentioned, Barak spent a significant period of his life in the USA, but in the end he decided to return to Israel. “On the one hand, I love our country. On the other hand, I feel the difficulty on a daily level and the constant preoccupation with the ability to survive, both on an economic and bureaucratic level.

“The United States in general, and California in particular, are known for a flexible bureaucratic management style, with a shell of the state and a lot of support for small businesses. The gap between Israel and the US was significant. I very quickly felt the difficulty of running a business in Israel and even considered returning to the US, but I’m happy that in the end I stayed. My love for the people and the brand I developed won over the bureaucracy.”

“I have to point out,” he adds. “That I am beginning to feel the change in Israel. Although it is small, but there is a change, an awakening and an understanding of the need to flex processes in the country. You are already beginning to understand that when you run a business in Israel, it is almost impossible to make a profit – expenses, the rent, the high property tax for businesses, the wages, and to that you add the The additional taxes and payments. Did I say tough? Yes tough.”

Despite this, Barak tries to remain optimistic. “The knowledge and experience I acquired from the United States and China are also a kind of optimism for me, because it is also possible otherwise.”

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