He pays twice for the same house and will finally be evicted

by time news

Amazing. Fabrice’s story is full of twists and turns, each more surprising than the next. He bought not once but twice the same house. And now, he will be expelled, according to Actu.fr.

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It all started when Fabrice and his wife Colette bought a house in Saint-Jean-des-Essartiers in Calvados (14), in 1995. Fabrice, a house painter, did a lot of work to embellish the stone house . But he filed for bankruptcy after a judicial liquidation in May 2001. He had registered his company in his name and had not created a limited liability company (SARL). His house was then seized.

The couple then decides to buy it back by taking out a loan, in the name of Colette. 8 years ago, Colette discovers that she has Alzheimer’s disease. They make the choice to get married,when she still had all her head“, according to Fabrice. Colette is placed under the supervision of the Departmental Union of Family Associations (Udaf) of Caen which announces to them, three years after their marriage in 2014, that their union is canceled on the grounds that Colette has signed the marriage certificate while she suffered from a mental disorder.

An eviction procedure

In March 2021, Udaf had Fabrice summoned before the Vire court to be recognized as the simple occupant of the house, “without right or title“. He is then ordered to pay Colette rent of €380 per month, a decision he respects.

In February 2022, a new twist, he received an order stipulating that he must leave the premises within two months, by April 8. Udaf speaks of “eviction procedureat Actu.fr. Fabrice consults rental advertisements in a hurry, but with a pension of €1,200, he is struggling to find accommodation on his own. Christophe Niel, director of Udaf de Caen, assures us that they are doing “human rights advocacy work“, speaking of Colette.

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