He said he “had champagne for dinner every day.” Alberto Fernández denied Milei’s statements and the President apologized to him

by times news cr

The ex-president Alberto Fernandez He denied his successor, Javier Milei, who during his participation in Expoagro assured that “in the previous administration they had lunch and dinner with Cristal champagne every day.” Given the spread of sayings, The former president used social networks to clarify the situation and, later, the leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) He apologized through the same medium.

“This is a lie. “I hope that whoever said it denies it immediately,” the former head of state wrote on his account. X along with the image of an article alluding to Milei’s statements.

Minutes later, the head of state retracted his statement and apologized. “They tell me that the information about the consumption of champagne in Olivos in the previous administration was incorrect. Apologizing when you make a mistake is the right thing to do,” he noted on his X account.

Milei’s expressions were part of the message he offered during the second day of the agricultural fair that takes place in San Nicolás and will last until Friday. There, he accompanied by the deputy José Luis Espertreviewed the expenses that -as indicated- by ​​the previous administration.

In the previous administration, where I am living, we had Cristal champagne for lunch and dinner every day.. If you come to the Quinta, I’m not going to receive you like this. The only exotic thing I can offer them is the keter that I drink on Shabbat, it is a grape juice for those of us who do not drink alcohol,” he said.

Along these lines and on the same day that it was known that the fleet of presidential aircraft will move into the orbit of the Armed Forces, he had said that in the management of the Frente de Todos “They spent a palo verde per month traveling by helicopter”.

Beyond the allusions and criticisms of the government that preceded him, in the more than 50 minutes in which he spoke, Milei made an analysis of the current economic situation, stating that “there is light at the end of the road,” estimated that in February there was inflation of around 15%criticized the governors when recalling the failure of the omnibus law in Congress and demanded the closure of the Télam news agency, including the fencing of its editorial office.

In this scenario, despite the call he made on Friday when he spoke before the legislative assembly, the President once again directed his criticism towards the provincial authorities due to the fate of the omnibus law. “If they want conflict, we are going to give them conflict. But, if you want to move towards a better Argentina, we return with the Base Law, we replace chapter 4 [por el tramo fiscal] and we are going to the May Pact,” he added in a message to the governors. He said that public spending should amount to “25%” of the Gross Domestic Product.

The “live” crossings between Fernández and Milei

Since the victory of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) in last year’s elections, Milei and Fernández met face to face – and publicly – on two occasions. The first was on Tuesday, November 21, two days after the runoff that declared him president, at Quinta de Olivos. There they met to begin the transition when there were less than 20 days left for the head of the PJ to leave the Casa Rosada. It was an institutional meeting that, as it turned out at that time, left both of them satisfied.

The second time was during the inauguration ceremony. It was a brief meeting, where contact was reduced to a handshake and the transfer of presidential attributes.

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