“He who lies pays”: MK Ben Gabir filed a libel suit against Haim Levinson

by time news

Chairman of Otzma Yehudit, MK Itamar Ben Gabirtoday (Thursday) filed a defamation lawsuit for about 150 thousand NIS against time newspaper and the reporter Haim Levinson Due to the publication of statements that Ben Gabir called “slanders and lies” published on behalf of Levinson in time newspaper.

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The lawsuit states that an article was published against MK Ben Gabir, according to which he opposed filing a complaint with the police due to an incident of sexual harassment, while the latter claimed that the statements were false.

Attorney Dorfman, who represents MK Ben Gabir, said: “time newspaper published a false, falsified article that constitutes serious libel, even though he knew that the facts, to say the least, were not true.” The chairman of Otzma Yehudit said: “The time newspaper forgot that the elections were over and continue to mark me as a target to discredit me and publish slander. The false smear campaign against me will not deter me, and those who lie will pay.”

Haim Levinson said in response to the statement of claim: “Fifth lawsuit. Waiting for Ben Gabir’s lawyer ‘Zev Zeev Wolf Wolf’ who promised a sixth libel lawsuit that he is not a murderer even though he was convicted of murder and I break a record.”

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