“He wrote me I love you, then he died” – time.news

by time news
from Marco Gasperetti

Her husband Enzo Galli sacrificed himself for our daughter, says Simonetta Filippi, who was the first to be infected during her trip to India. We returned with a medical flight, the Italian Embassy left us alone

He gave his life to save the family. He knew he was infected, he was already sick, but he hadn’t told me anything. She was afraid they would take our daughter from us. He confessed to me after leaving India.

Simonetta Filippi, the wife of Enzo Galli, 45, died Wednesday in Florence

of Covid

, contracted in India during the adoption process of a 2-year-old girl, does not move from the funeral parlor of the Misericordia in Campi Bisenzio. Next to her is the lawyer Elena Rondelli, a friend of the family, who fought to get the couple back to Italy by organizing a fundraiser to rent a medical plane with a private doctor on board.

state really an angel, my husband – says the lady – and now back to fly. Despite his suffering, he always tried to reassure me and our daughter. Even before being intubated. He did it with a text message.

To be calm even if from tomorrow it will no longer be possible to speak. “My love, I totally entrust myself to the will of God and the decisions you will make. I love you so much. Be sure that God is greater. Take care of yourself and embrace the child ”. Then, before being sedated and turning off the phone forever, he wanted to see the baby. Until the last we hoped that he could make it, even the doctors thought so. Then Wednesday got worse. The crisis lasted three hours.

She was the first to get sick with Covid in India. And it was her husband who took care of the little girl you had just adopted. Were those difficult days?

Enzo had a care out of the ordinary, and an indescribable love for the child. We had wanted it so much and even in difficulties he was happy. He used to call me, when I was on line, to ask me how to behave. If there was no line to my cell phone, he phoned our friend in Italy, the lawyer Elena Rondelli. And she too gave him the right advice on diapers, baby food and the kindness you need to have for a daughter. But there was no need, he instinctively knew how to do it, he was already a model father.

Did they help you in India?

I thank the consul Daniele Sfregola, he was extraordinary. But I don’t have to thank the Italian embassy, ​​she left us alone, it didn’t help us. We went to ask for visas to return to Italy as soon as possible because the pandemic in India seemed even more terrible. They kicked us out saying there was a lockdown and we had to make an appointment. They gave it to us after a week and that week was fatal.

Perch in our hotel there was a wedding with hundreds of people with a safety close to zero. That’s where we got infected. My husband and I first. If it hadn’t been for that delay, Enzo would probably still be alive.

Was the return difficult?

If it hadn’t been for Elena’s commitment to Italy, but also from the mayor of Campi Bisenzio, Emiliano Fossi and a fund-raising we would have remained India for who knows how long. We paid the medical flight 134 thousand euros, the Italian state has not pulled out a cent.

No, still early. Right now he is playing, happy, unaware, discovering the world. The time will come for this pain too. The time will come.

What will I tell her about him?

That even if he lived it for a short time, he was a extraordinary dad who loved her very much. Always ready to help others. Able to get up at night, and I with him, to help a couple of friends. Always ready, and I next to him, to be a volunteer at the Meyer pediatric hospital in Florence.

Had the Careggi doctors given her any hope?

They have been exceptional. Dr Adriano Peris and his team went beyond their profession. They gave us humanity, understanding, courage. They too hoped until the end that Enzo could make it.

It didn’t happen that way. However, in the tragedy and in the pain, there is something good to tell. a family was born.

August 27, 2021 (change August 27, 2021 | 08:53)

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