Head and neck cancer, recognizing the early symptoms makes the difference – time.news

by time news
Of Christine Brown

With early diagnosis, the survival rate is as high as 90%. Here are the symptoms not to ignore (if they last more than three weeks)

Symptoms of head and neck carcinomas, often ignored or associated with seasonal illnesses such as a common sore throat or a cold. This type of tumor also affected Daniele Bossari, television and radio host, winner of “Big Brother Vip” in 2017.

The diffusion

Despite its widespread diffusion, not many people know what head and neck cancer is the seventh most common cancer in Europe, with an incidence about half that of lung cancer but two times that of cervical cancer. Cervical-cephalic (or head and neck) cancer refers to all cancers that develop in the head and neck area excluding the eyes, ears, brain and oesophagus. One of the most problematic aspects of this disease is that it is difficult to identify: it manifests itself with common symptoms, which we tend to ignore or associate with seasonal diseases. Only in Italy in fact, in 20209,900 people were diagnosed with head and neck cancer and 4,100 did not survive the disease.


Experts agree that a quick understanding of the symptoms of the disease is crucial for one early diagnosisin the presence of which the survival rate rises to 80-90%against a‘life expectancy of only 5 years for those who discover the disease in an advanced stage.

But what are the symptoms? Discovering the presence of these neoplasms is theoretically simple, because they are often identifiable already with an in-depth ENT visit, but it is important that people do not overlook the possible symptoms. Without getting too alarmed, because these are often signals common to simple inflammatory pathologies, it is don’t ignore mouth ulcers, difficulty swallowing, sore throat or earache, persistent hoarseness, swelling in the neck lasting more than three weeks. Experts suggest you always keep in mind the 1for3 rule: if you have even one of these symptoms for three weeks or more, you need to see your doctor: tongue pain, non-healing ulcers and/or red or white spots in the mouth; throat pain; persistent hoarseness; pain and/or difficulty swallowing; neck swelling; stuffy nose on one side and/or nosebleeds.

The therapies

There are several therapeutic approaches available today depending on the type of tumor but also on the subsite and stage of the disease: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and biological therapy. Since these are tumors that affect the face and important and decisive organs for the quality of life, the aesthetic and psychological impact is not secondary and rehabilitation is an essential fact

The risk factors

A was foundhuman papillomavirus (HPV) infection in 31% of subjects with oropharyngeal cancer and less frequently in patients with cancer of the oral cavity and larynx. HPV is primarily responsible for cervical cancer, but it has been shown that it is also responsible for the formation of tumors affecting the vulva, vagina, penis and anus (very rare forms of cancer) and the head and neck area, as well than of precancerous lesions (genital warts) for men and women: this is why it is important to take advantage of the opportunity of vaccination offered free of charge to all 12-year-old Italians. To have a negative role are also thereincorrect power supply (diet low in vitamins A and B, i.e. fresh fruit and vegetables), a poor and incorrect oral hygiene especially in those who use dentures and exposure to the Epstein-Barr virus (a type of herpes virus that is transmitted through saliva and is associated with cancers of the nasopharynx) or to dust and substances such as those breathed in certain work environments.

January 2, 2023 (change January 2, 2023 | 5:37 pm)

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