Head, neck and oral cavity tumors, prevention returns: open-day and free visits

by time news

The free appointment with the prevention of head-neck and oral cavity tumors returns on September 20. The goal is to intercept any neoplasms at an early stage.

The day, organized by the Piacenza Local Health Authority and dedicated to prevention, is Friday 20 September from 9am to 1pm with free visits by reservation and will be held in the Otolaryngology clinics of the Piacenza hospital on the first floor of the‘Building 4A in the old town centre.



The importance of prevention

The importance of prevention was underlined by the general director of the ASL of Piacenza, Paola Bardasidividing it into two types: primary and secondary.

“Primary prevention is fundamental – explains Bardasi – and is pursued with health education, lifestyle, proper nutrition, and adequate oral hygiene. Secondary prevention intervenes when there are symptoms that may suggest the onset of pathologies and is developed with screening and tests”.

Head and neck cancer, the seventh most common cancer in Europe

In 2022, in Italy, head and neck cancer was diagnosed in approximately 9,750 people and caused approximately 3,800 deaths (of which 2,700 men and 1,100 women). According to data from the research “Cancer numbers in Italy 2023” by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology, head and neck cancer is the seventh most common cancer in Europe. A pathology that is still difficult to identify, as it presents subtle symptoms, often common to other pathologies and associated with seasonal illnesses. This is why intercepting a possible problem in the initial phase with prevention can save your life: In patients who receive an early diagnosis the survival rate is 80-90%.

Oral cavity tumors, an enemy to be prevented

The oral cavity is made up of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, the gums, the inner surface of the cheeks and lips, the hard palate, the floor of the mouth, which is the area under the tongue, and the area behind the teeth called the retromolar trigone.

Oral cavity tumors belong to the head and neck tumors and, although less frequent than other neoplasms, represent a major clinical and social problem due to the delicacy of the functions that they can compromise such as swallowing, breathing and phonation.

I main risk factors for the development of this type of injury are the cigarette smoking and alcohol. Other risk factors include: repetitive trauma of the internal surface of the mouth (linked for example to the incorrect positioning of dental prostheses), poor oral hygienetobacco chewing, Fanconi anemia, a factor that exposes one to the risk of developing the disease at a young age, pipe use and exposure to the sun, especially with regard to lip tumors. There is also a small percentage (less than 5%) of oral cavity carcinomas due to a chronic HPV infection. Not smoking and limiting alcohol consumption are the main prevention measures for oral cancer, as is following a program of periodic check-ups with your doctor.

Diagnostic therapeutic care pathway of the Piacenza Local Health Authority

Our hospital has activated a Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Pathway for head and neck tumors, headed by Dr. Maria Silvia Lazio, who takes charge of patients, guaranteeing a very high level of quality assistance that is in no way inferior to neighboring institutions. The path uses a multidisciplinary professional team that allows for timely care of patients with suspected neoplasia.

Within our Pdta we guarantee treatment to all patients with head and neck tumors. In particular for the oral cavity the surgical interventions we perform range from simple tumor excision to major surgery where the excision is followed by a reconstructive part with flaps.

Where the patient requires specific surgical treatments (e.g. robotic surgery) or clinical trials for rare or advanced tumors, we ourselves contact colleagues at the reference centers so as to guide the patient in continuing the treatment.

Focus on the numbers

In 2023, patients taken care of by the Head and Neck Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Pathway increased compared to the previous year, reaching almost 160 patients, as well as those located in the oral cavity. However, the percentage of the latter, as in 2022, stands at 16% of all head and neck tumors.

The disease affects men more than women, especially after the age of 70.

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