Head of the Council Gush Etzion: “The bloodshed will not weaken or move us from the land of our ancestors”

by time news

The head of the regional council Gush Etzion and the chairman of the Yesha Council Shlomo Naman, said that he wishes the wounded a speedy recovery.

“Since the Oslo Accords, the ancestral city of Hebron has been under Arab occupation, but the terror it generates is directed against the entire country.

We send a speedy recovery to the wounded and strengthen the residents of Kiryat Arba – Hebron. The bloodshed will not weaken or move us from the land of our ancestors. The enemy’s greatest fear is the establishment of Israeli sovereignty and the strengthening of the Jewish settlement.

We come back and demand that the government and Defense Minister Benny Gantz wake up and act to restore peace to the streets of Israel.”

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