Healer Adja Amsétou chose MACA to preserve her life and the safety of MACO detainees (sources)

by time news

2023-08-06 11:44:35

Healer Adja Amsétou chose MACA to preserve her life and the safety of MACO detainees (sources)

Ouagadougou, August 5, 2023(AIB)-Healer Adja Amsétou says she chose to be placed at MACA, pending her judgment, to preserve her life, the safety of MACO detainees and cohesion between GSP and other FDS, learned the AIB.

The placement of the healer of Komsilga, Adja Amsetou, in the Ouagadougou House of Arrest and Correction (MACO), on July 28, 2023 by decision of the Prosecutor of Faso at the TGI of Ouaga II, was prevented by soldiers for security reasons.

On August 4, 2023, the Attorney General at the Ouagadougou Court of Appeal informed that at his request, the defendant will finally be imprisoned at the Armed Forces Remand and Correction Center (MACA); a decision that aroused the incomprehension of part of the public.

However, sources contacted by the AIB said the measure is perfectly legal.

They are based on reasoned requests, addressed by the defendant and his lawyers to the Prosecutor of Faso at the TGI of Ouaga II and to the Minister of State in charge of Defence.

Thus Larissa Nikiema alias Adja Amsétou requested in particular the application of Article 1 of Decree No. 2009-613/PRES/PM/DEF of August 12, 2009; on the organization, regime and regulation of military prison establishments combined with article 43 of law n°010-2017/AN on the prison regime in Burkina Faso.

Article 1 of Decree 2009-613 stipulates that “the military penal establishment is intended to accommodate all military prisoners and, exceptionally, non-military prisoners with the express authorization of the Minister of Defence”.

“If the penitentiary establishment of the seat of the jurisdiction does not offer suitable premises, reception capacity or sufficient security guarantees, the accused, the accused and the accused are imprisoned in the nearest suitable penitentiary establishment. “, specifies the article 43 of the law n°010-2017/AN.

To justify this request, Adja Amsetou and his lawyers put forward three arguments.

First, Ms. Nikiema says she believes in the professionalism of the Prison Security Guards (PSG), but says she legitimately fears being the victim of reprisals for acts of which she is not the author.

She alludes to the “clash” which opposed GSP to other FDS, during her non-transfer to MACO.

Secondly, suspecting that tension remained high between the GSP and the FDS, she said she feared other disturbances which could arise during her detention at MACO and which could cost her her life.

Thirdly, according to Adja Amsétou, his detention at MACO presents risks of insecurity for the other detainees held there.

Convinced by the legal reasons and the arguments put forward, the Minister of State in charge of Defence, Colonel-Major Kassoum Coulibaly, expressly and exceptionally authorized the transfer of Adja to MACA, pending his judgment.

As a reminder, justice wishes to hear the famous 21-year-old healer, draining thousands of people on the southern outskirts of Ouagadougou (Komsilga), following beatings inflicted by elements of his security, to a fifty-something who would not enjoy all his mental faculties.

Burkina Information Agency



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