Healing homeopathy – Health – Plusmagazine

by time news

Sore throat, a cold, inflammation or stress. To treat these and other conditions, we usually resort to traditional medication. Can homeopathy offer an interesting alternative? What is the healing potential and which complaints can you alleviate with it?

“For many conditions you can use homeopathy as an initial treatment, before you possibly use classical medicines or simply as the only treatment,” says holistic doctor Jutta Borms. As a classically trained general practitioner, she quickly discovered in her practice that the traditional approach cannot solve all health problems and she immersed herself in the holistic approach, which looks at both mental and physical well-being.

“For many conditions you can use homeopathy as an initial treatment, before you possibly use classic medicines or simply as the only treatment,” says holistic doctor Jutta Borms. As a classically trained general practitioner, she quickly discovered in her practice that the traditional approach cannot solve all health problems and she immersed herself in the holistic approach, which looks at both mental and physical well-being. “Homeopathic and classical medicines can also be taken simultaneously. This usually does not lead to negative interactions. While classical medicines mainly focus on symptom suppression, homeopathy works on the principle that like cures like. A substance that can trigger certain symptoms in healthy people, can combat these complaints in sick people. A well-known example is pain after a wasp sting, against which there is a homeopathic remedy based on wasp venom. Homeopathy does not always work quickly. To heal you sometimes have to take a moment and go through the pain. People are often afraid of that, while such a short-term pain is just useful. Because it ensures a physical and emotional detox, so that you achieve lasting results. This much more natural way of healing is suitable for numerous complaints.” According to the holistic philosophy, diseases also have a meaning and the body wants to make something clear in that way. “Almost always there is a link with our mental well-being. For example, if you often get a cold, it is usually because something is bothering you, that you do not guard your limits enough and you need rest.” Homeopathy is still regarded by mainstream medicine as not scientifically substantiated. Colds”The well-known quip about colds is that they last seven days without medication and a week if you do take medicines. That’s completely right. But to alleviate the complaints or when you string one cold to another, homeopathy can be an excellent help. ” This is how you do it. Let 1 tablet of Coryzalia melt under the tongue. You can possibly take more, depending on the symptoms. For nasal congestion Nux Vomica 9CH, Sticta Pulmonaria 9CH, Sambucus Nigra 9CH help. If the discharge is clear, take Allium Cepa (onion) 9CH, Potassium Iodatum 9CH, Arsenicum Album 9CH. Take five granules every hour until the symptoms improve. If there is a bacterial secondary infection with more serious complaints, a homeopathic antibiotic can be taken: Pyrogenium 9CH and Hepar sulfur 15CH. Or a phytotherapeutic antibiotic such as Tropo-cat ampoules. Engystol, on the other hand, is a complex homeopathic remedy that improves the immune system to prevent viral infections. You can take it in the form of tablets or drops. An extra tip: do alternating nasal breathing to open up your stuffy nose and clear your lungs. Close your right nostril by pinching your nostril with your index finger and inhale through the left. Hold your breath for a count of four, then close your left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Alternate continuously for three to five minutes. Good to know. “You should limit a classic course of antibiotics as much as possible. It means a huge attack on your body and especially on your intestinal microbiome, where a lot of beneficial bacteria are killed at the same time. That is not the case with natural alternatives such as a homeopathic antibiotic.” Here’s how to do it. With a trio of Belladonna 9CH, Phytolacca 9CH and Mercurius Solubilis 9CH. Take five granules from each tube every hour for acute sore throat. “This provides very quick relief. If you regularly have a sore throat, it is best to stock up. The homeopathic remedy Anti-Angine also contains this trio. Take a tablet every two hours if you have symptoms of a sore throat.” Traumeel tablets can be sucked under the tongue. And for severe laryngitis, there is the natural antibiotic Tropo-cat. Good to know. “In the case of recurring throat infections, it can help to detoxify the tonsils. This is possible with general detoxification agent Trias C, which consists of three bottles. Start with three times ten drops of each bottle in 1.5 liters of water per day. Afterwards, you can do this weekly be pushed up by ten drops.” This is how you approach it.” Preventively, you can take a homeopathic remedy that consists of a mix of the influenza viruses active in that year. You take one dose of this polyinfluenzum per week for four weeks and then one dose per month, until the active flu period is over.” You can combine this with Thymulin 9CH, which increases resistance, and with oscillococcinum, of which you take one dose per week during the flu period. Echinacea also strengthens the resistance, but you should not take this continuously. In that case, your immunity will even deteriorate. Take it for three weeks and then stop for a week. For severe flu symptoms you can use homeopathic remedies such as Belladonna, Arsenicum Album, Gelsemium, Bryonia and Aconitum. Good to know. As an aftercare after the acute phase, to deal with fatigue after flu, there is China 15CH, together with Kalium Phosphoricum 15CH. Of these you take five granules each morning and evening for two weeks. “There is a difference between inflammation and infection. In an infection, your body responds with inflammation to a foreign organism, such as a virus or bacteria. Acute inflammation is your body’s response to a disease condition. Your body tries to heal itself through local symptoms such as redness or swelling. Instead of suppressing that with classic anti-inflammatories, you can also regulate that reaction naturally through homeopathy. That has a healing effect instead of just pushing the inflammation away, after which it starts again.” This is how you approach it. With homeopathic anti-inflammatories. Traumeel: in case of acute inflammation, take one tablet three to eight times a day, which you let melt under the tongue. Zeel: in case of chronic inflammation you can take one tablet three times a day. “A study comparing Zeel with diclofenac showed that the latter worked much faster but with the necessary side effects, while Zeel only achieved the same result after six weeks, but without side effects.” Natural antibiotic cure: Tropo-cat, two ampoules a day for five to ten days. “A complaint that is difficult to eliminate in this fast-paced society. Sometimes we do it to ourselves by wanting more and more and never being satisfied. Homeopathy can help to regulate stress.” This is how you approach it. When you are very nervous: a combination of Kalium Phosphoricum 15CH, Gelsemium 9CH and Ignatia 9CH, five granules of each morning and evening. Stress and anxiety: Sedatif PC, two tablets three times a day. In case of a panic attack, take Aconitum 30CH, one dose, repeat every half hour if necessary. Good to know. Eat as much as possible food rich in magnesium (cereals, eggs, dried fruit…) and vitamin B (pulses, poultry…). Learn to meditate. Do yoga to de-stress. It focuses on breathing and thus helps to improve your blood pressure and heart rhythm variability, while tensions leave your body.

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