Health alert for adulterated oil: there are 13 brands involved

by time news

The General Directorate of Public Health of the Extremadura Health Service (SES) has extended to 13 the brands that are involved in an alleged crime against public health and fraud for the sale of the alleged adulterated virgin olive oil that they sold in 5-liter bottles in markets, stores and gas stations in Estremadura y Andalusia.

As FACUA points out, the food alert has led to the immobilization of around 68,000 liters of oil that they were going to be sold fraudulently and that they had an erroneous labeling. In fact, it has been analyze the oil, in some cases, to see if it was suitable or not for human consumption.

Thus, according to the latest investigations, it has been revealed that the virgin olive oil marketed under the brand ‘La Campiña de Andalucía’, examined in Madrid, was sold in badajoz and Puebla de Sancho Pérez, and contains oil glaringnot suitable for human consumption.

This is virgin olive oil of poorer quality than other varieties and which is intended for refining for industrial use. However, it can also be a lampante oil that is not suitable for consumption due to deficiencies in the production process, for which reason it presents acidity values ​​or parameters that do not recommend its intake.

Up to 13 brands marketed in Extremadura and Andalusia

It all started after the alert of two consumers for the disturbance in the taste, smell, color and consistency of the product. The relevant ministries as well as the Seprona of the Civil Guard began to investigate the case, which now extends to new brands. The product has been on sale in retail stores, gas stations and markets in Extremadura and Andalusia under a total of 13 different brands:

  • Acebuche
  • Virgin of the Guadiana
  • gold farmhouse
  • The Andalusian Countryside
  • Galiaceite 2022
  • The abbey
  • Villa de Jerez
  • Don Jaen Oil 2019
  • Andalusian Empire
  • The Emerald
  • stranded
  • The miracles
  • Almazara Fernandez

The mother carried the pregnancy to term knowing that she was going to die in order to make the donation.

What if you bought the adulterated product?

FACUA reminds us that consumers who have purchased any of these affected products may take it to the corresponding establishment to request reimbursement of the price paid or its replacement by a new product in accordance with the regulations.

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