Health and Romanesque: CAPRICORN … the lost legend

by time news

Capricornius, before the Goat was Pricus

“…to signify that of Winter, my teacher chose the sign of the Cabrón or Capricorn, because these animals have the habit of climbing at the same time that they gnaw and the grass stands out until they settle on the tops of the mountains, as the Sun rises and continues to climb to the other Tropics” (Abbot M. PLUCHE: “The Spectacle of Nature”, 1786, Vol. VIII.)

On December 21, the Sun reaches the southernmost point of its path and its rays fall directly on a line that passes through northern Argentina, southern Africa and central Australia. This line is called the “Tropic of Capricorn” because at this time of year the Sun is traversing the constellation known by that name.

The origins of the Capricorn myth were virtually unknown until the Delphic Writings were discovered. It is said that the Greeks claimed to see the Amalthea goat in this constellation, which had been placed in the heavens by Zeus as thanks for the food he received from her as a child. Although, among other legends and versions, there is one that fades into the night of time and that, narrated by the Greeks themselves, was told to those who were capable of understanding it. It was a more unknown story, more mysterious and much more revealing: the myth of Pricus.

I am Pricus, goat and fish at the same time!

The lost legend:

Pricus, is the son of Cronos and shares with his father the ability to manipulate time. Pricus lives in the sea and is the father of the lineage of sea goats (half goat, half fish) which are intelligent and honorable creatures, they can think and speak and are favored by the gods.

The story begins when young sea goats are naturally drawn to shore. Using their front legs they manage to reach the shore and climb onto the mainland where, carefree, they lie in the sun.

But the longer they stay on earth, the faster their transformation into normal goats. Their fish tail sheds onto their hind legs and they lose the ability to think and speak. Many of them march towards the tops of the mountains.

This despairs Pricus who fears that his children will become mindless animals and that they will never be able to return to the sea.

After losing several of them, Pricus decides to use his ability to reverse time to save his lost children.

During this reversal everything on earth except Pricus is reversed to where it was before. The sea goats return to the time when they were in the sea without remembering anything of their past experience, since the cycle has started again.

Pricus, is not affected by the change of time and is the only one who knows the fate that awaits his children if they follow their natural instinct. He tries to advise and warn them and even ends up forbidding them to go to the shore. But no matter what he does, or how many times he reverses time, his sea goats always find their way to land and inexorably turn into ordinary goats.

The pivotal moment in the Capricorn mythology comes when Pricus finally realizes that he cannot control the fate of his children and that trying to keep them at sea will never work. No matter how many times he tries to “start over”, his offspring always end up on the ground.

After realizing this, she resigns herself to letting her children live their lives and their own destiny.

Ultimately, all the sea goats made their way to land where they inevitably became the hircus, or four-legged goats we know today. Ratifying the saying known to all: “the goat always shoots the mountain” Pricus was left in solitude as the only sea goat.

In his sadness, Pricus asks Cronos to let him die, since he cannot bear loneliness. Cronus, however, allows him to live out his immortality in the sky as the constellation Capricorn. He now he can see his children even on the highest mountain peaks, from the stars

Here is the true lost legend that is hidden behind one of the most mysterious myths of that zodiacal constellation and that keeps a revealing parallel with the inner nature of man:

Our hidden capricorn:

Just as sea goats are formed in the watery depths, we are formed in our mother’s womb, in the dark and in a humid state. Similar to them that have two natures, duality is also manifested in us, proof of this is the instinct that comes from the body and the intuition that comes from the spirit.

Just like them, we are born pure and honorable, our souls possessing the ability to vibrate in the same tone in order to understand each other, but the more we advance in life and contemplate the manifest world with reason, the more a soul moves away from another destroying unity, forgetting where we come from, what we are capable of and what we have been given at birth. We lose the ability to move in the astral world, we forget about it and we take its non-existence for granted.

It is similar to waking up each day in which we hardly remember the dream experiences that we have experienced while sleeping and, most of the time, fade over the hours. It happens to us like sea goats, who lose the ability to move in both worlds as they get further into one of them.

For this reason, just as Pricus forbids his children to set foot on the shore because he knows what will happen to them, God, eternal and manipulator of time, forbids Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, because he also knows what will happen to them. will happen.

If all these correspondences that we have noted produceThey cause a restlessness in your soul, it means that our Capricorn is still alive, he is awake and that he will not stop in his determined ascension to the top.

Health and Romanesque

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