Health, Calabria first for diabetes sufferers: “Institutions help with campaigns”

by time news

“In Calabria, diabetes is more frequent among women and the elderly. The incidence on a national basis of diabetic patients in our region is approximately 10% against a national average of 5.9%”. This was explained by Salvatore Pacenza, scientific manager of a 3-day scientific confrontation and reports that recalled the main specialists in the sector to Crotone, at the Lido degli Scogli Resort, the ‘Diabetic Days from the land of Alcmeone and Pythagoras’, in progress until today, Saturday 8 October.

The event is now in its fourth edition and the aim is also to raise awareness on the prevention of diabetes, a disease “with a pandemic connotation”, say the experts, particularly widespread in the South: Calabria – the organizers of the conference report – is the first region of Italy by number of diabetic patients. Given the emergency – observes Pacenza – it is necessary that the institutions are at our side in order to support awareness campaigns like this one aimed at stimulating ‘best practices’ and a correct lifestyle to prevent diabetes and its unavoidable complications. We want Crotone to become the Italian capital of diabetic medicine “, exhorts the expert, who directs the Operational Unit of Diabetology of the Crotone ASP.

“Today in the South we have an explosion of type 2 diabetes linked to the increase in obesity, concentrated in the younger age groups. In the South we eat well but also a lot, perhaps too much, and we should be able to change a little these habits “, is the warning from Lorenzo Piemonti, director of the Diabetes Research Institute of the Vita Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. The expert, as reported by a note from the event, recommends “avoiding junk food, which is particularly harmful to health, which includes sugary drinks and an excess of fat”.

On type 1 diabetes, Piemonti and Federico Bertuzzi, director of the complex structure of Diabetology at the Niguarda Milan hospital, explain that “stem cell therapy and pancreatic islet transplant therapy is the innovative and prospective aspect to give an effective response to those who suffer from it “.

During the Congress, moderated by the journalist Francesca Russo, international experts took stock of the issue. Among the speakers, more than 60 from all over Italy, including Francesco Giorgino, full professor of Endocrinology at the Aldo Moro University of Bari, who for the occasion gave a lectio magistralis on multiagonist drugs and their potential for disease remission. The management of the complications of diabetes mellitus is also in the spotlight. One of the very fearsome ones is the diabetic foot. “In the most serious cases, due to inflammation, the patient could risk the amputation of the foot. A dramatic scenario that can be avoided through prevention”, explains Roberto Anichini, director of the Simple Diabetology and Diabets Foot Unit. , Pistoiese Area, Usl Center Tuscany.

Returning to Calabria, the region’s aptitude for treating diabetes was also recognized by Domenico Mannino, president of the Board of Directors of the Benefit Amd Society, who defines it as “an excellence” and, given the spread of the disease, launches a appeal: “We need doctors. The limited number at the medical faculty and in the Specialization Schools does not help our territory. We must seriously consider a change of pace”. Finally, during the Congress we wanted to remember Massimo Marrelli, an entrepreneur and doctor from Crotone who died in 2018, who with his work has created a reality with an important employment impact on the territory. The daughter Doriana Marrelli received the award.

“The great participation in the event, now in its fourth edition – comments Salute Pacenza – is a recognition of our daily work here”, in a region that has a record incidence of the disease.

In the treatment of diabetes, it emerged from the reports presented in this 3 days, the technology is already a reality and opens up new perspectives: “The new subcutaneous sensors allow the patient to measure blood glucose frequently – explains Paola Ponzani, head of Ssd (simple structure departmental) Diabetology and metabolic diseases Asl4 Chiavari (Genoa) – you can thus have greater control of the disease and a lower risk of complications related to it. With these devices inserted under the skin, the patient will no longer have to prick his finger, a decidedly annoying practice ” .

But there is also a novelty resulting from research in the world of artificial intelligence: “From the next few weeks, in fact, thanks to a hi-tech machine, it will be possible to predict with an 80% success, the onset of diabetes in the patient. anticipating the times and ensuring timely treatment to improve the patient’s life right away “, concludes Paolo Di Bartolo, director of the Romagna Ausl Diabetes Clinic Network.

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