Health, ‘Derma Point’, actinic keratosis prevention campaign, kicks off

by time news

2023-10-02 18:32:01

It presents with flat or raised skin lesions, rough or scaly, red, brown, white or pink in colour, which can also be easily confused with simple blemishes. But they could actually be warning signs. We are talking about actinic keratosis, a skin pathology that particularly affects people of advanced age and fair skin, but not only, with a prevalence of 27.4% in the over 30s. A pathology that should not be underestimated because actinic keratosis can progress to an invasive form of skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma.

Early diagnosis is the watchword: if detected in time, actinic keratosis can be treated, so as to reduce its possible progression and potential danger. In short, the earlier the diagnosis, the easier the treatment. Here, therefore, to raise awareness among the population at risk, increasing the level of awareness on the pathology, the ‘Derma Point, let’s take stock of actinic keratosis’ campaign kicks off, with the non-conditioning contribution of Almirall in collaboration with SidemasT, a company Italian expert on dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases.

From September to November 2023 – reports a note from Gemelli – 12 hospital/university facilities distributed across the national territory will be involved with a day of dermatological screening. On 7 October at the Gemelli Polyclinic, from 9am to 1pm, in the Dermatology clinics, Floor 9, wing D, (largo Agostino Gemelli 8) the dermatologists coordinated by Professor Ketty Peris, past president of Sidemast and professor of Dermatology at the Catholic University of Rome, will offer free consultations to facilitate the diagnosis of a pathology that is still too often underestimated today. Reservation is mandatory at the link:

“Skin blemishes are not all the same and some require specific attention because they are potentially serious – explains Giuseppe Argenziano, president of Sidemast – among these are actinic keratoses. In fact, 80% of them appear on areas of the body exposed to the sun, therefore face, neck, hands, forearms and scalp, especially in older, light-skinned people. In the initial stages they can be easier to feel when palpated than to see. They are usually asymptomatic, sometimes painful, above all they can evolve into a tumor skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma. This is why diagnosing and treating them early is essential.”

“On the occasion of the screening day – adds Peris – the participants will undergo a complete screening visit, information will be given regarding the best prevention strategies and, if necessary, the subject will be taken care of by our center for the appropriate treatment . We consider these checks essential because too often, especially if we are adults or elderly, we tend to neglect the signals that the skin sends us. When faced with obvious changes in pigmentation, we often think that these are “age spots”, due to the sun and aging skin. Instead, a screening, which is not at all invasive, can warn the patient and avoid more complicated situations, considering that this pathology can progress into a form of tumor, squamous cell carcinoma, which can also be very invasive. For this reason we as Sidemast invite all those at risk to go to these appointments in the area because as a scientific society we have always been close to the patients and if they are not the ones who spontaneously go to the hospital to check themselves we will take care of ‘alert’ them so that they do not underestimate their health.”

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