The Mexico City It is ranked 28th nationwide in suicides and for its prevention, the Ministry of Health (Deadly) capital launched a comprehensive strategy through talks, conferences and personalized attention.
In the framework of the World Day for the Prevention of Suicide, the Deadly reported that through the Institute for the Care and Prevention of Addictions (IAPA) carries out a series of activities in schools to reduce suicide rates in the capital.
He stressed that the actions implemented by the MARE They are aimed at students of secondary school, high school y degreewhich consist of talks and courses on mental health and addictions, as well as the course “Depression and Suicide Prevention.”
“Currently, through the Urban Nucleus of Emotional Well-being (CLOUD) and the IAPA care services, we carry out the assessment of cases with depression or suicide risk and are channeled to psychiatric care services,” said the general director of the MARE, Jose Antonio Alcocer.
He said that these activities are carried out from the perspective of Do not judge, do not criticize and do not criminalize any person, mainly when it involves a situation that puts a life at risk.
The owner of MARE He pointed out that they carry out an assessment of cases with depression or suicidal risk to channel them to the services of psychiatric care, since in a suicide attempt the highest risk of repeating the event is found among the first 48 and 72 hours; He highlighted that a suicide negatively impacts up to 135 people in the immediate context.
Information is provided on the signs that are identified as risk factors, in addition to the violence in all its manifestationssuicidal ideation and attempts, and that in these circumstances one must be aware of which are the main institutions to request help from, he added.
Sedesa pointed out that according to Inegi, the capital is ranked number 28 nationwide in suicides, below the national average of 10.4 percent.
2024-09-12 08:58:28