Health Minister Brigitte Bourguignon resigns after her defeat in the legislative elections

by time news

The day after his defeat in the 6e constituency of Pas-de-Calais, Brigitte Bourguignon, the Minister of Health and Prevention, confirmed that she was going to leave the government. As is the tradition, which Emmanuel Macron wished to continue, the ministers who are candidates for the legislative elections who are not elected must indeed resign.

« Yesterday, by a very narrow majority, the voters of the 6th constituency of Pas-de-Calais chose to elect the candidate of the National Rallyshe notably developed in a succession of tweets. I take note of this result and would like to thank all the people who supported me during this campaign. »

“I will leave the government and my functions”

This Sunday, Brigitte Bourguignon was beaten with 49.94% of the vote, by her rival from the National Rally, Christine Engrand (67), commercial director of a training organization.

« I want to thank the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister for their trust », a started the woman politician on Twitterbefore continuing in these terms: Given this result, I will leave the government and my functions as Minister of Health and Prevention. »

The Minister then assured that she had ” a special thought for [ses] fellow citizens “, as well as for the “ women and men who work tirelessly in the service of French health ».

Among the fifteen ministers whose mandate was at stake, Brigitte Bourguignon appears in the list of the three defeated candidates, alongside Amélie de Montchalin, Minister for Ecological Transition, candidate in the 6th constituency of Essonne against Jérôme Guedj ( Nupes), who gathered around 53% of the vote, and Justine Benin, Secretary of State for the Sea, who was seeking a second term in the 2nd constituency of Guadeloupe against Christian Baptiste, a diverse left candidate supported by Nupes , credited with 58.65% of the votes. A cold shower for the government of Elisabeth Borne, who herself presented her resignation to Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday June 21, but which the president refused.

The defeat on the wire of Brigitte Bourguignon, ahead of 56 votes, therefore leaves the Ministry of Health without pilot, while the sector is among the ” emergency room ” of the government. His brief passage will only have left him time to announce ” first steps “(overtime paid double, student nurses ” immediately “employable) in order to curb the shortage of caregivers at the hospital, before a summer “ difficile by his own admission.

Read also: Legislative: historical abstention, push from the left, a relative presidential majority?

Outside the category of ministers, several emblematic figures of the presidential majority have also admitted defeat. Candidate for a third term, the president of the LREM group in the National Assembly, Christophe Castaner, was beaten in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. It is Léo Walter, the candidate of Nupes, who wins with a small 51.49% of the vote.

The President of the National Assembly (LREM), Richard Ferrand, also recognized his defeat in the 6th constituency of Finistère against Mélanie Thomin de la Nupes. ” I just took note of the results […] and I extend my congratulations to the winner tonight and wish her every success “, did he declare.

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