Health Minister plans to increase health insurance contributions

by time news

UIn order to close the financing gap of the statutory health insurance companies, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) is planning, among other things, an increase in contributions. “We have to turn four screws: increase efficiency reserves in the health system, use reserves in the health insurance companies, grant additional federal grants and increase the contributions,” Lauterbach told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. However, he did not want to say by what percentage the contributions should increase.

According to the Central Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds (GKV), the funds will be short of 17 billion euros for next year. Funds and the opposition quickly demand clarity as to where the money should come from, but the Minister of Health urged patience: “I will present a well-considered draft law in good time,” said Lauterbach. Lauterbach did not want to commit to an appointment before the summer break.

Tests may be free beyond May

Meanwhile, Lauterbach indicated that corona tests (citizen tests) could remain free beyond May: “If the corona situation requires it, the citizen tests will also be available beyond May 31. We decide according to the situation,” said the minister. “The tests remain a valuable tool.”

Lauterbach appealed to the citizens: “Continue to use the tests, even if negative tests are no longer required for bars and discos. When visiting relatives, celebrations, events. Especially before encounters with immunocompromised people, the following should apply: Only with a negative test!”

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