Health: ministry with highly ejectable seat

by time news

2023-12-28 20:12:16

EDITED – The minister’s pay may be very good, and probably even better are the benefits in kind that go with it. But the paradox of Health morocco is that since Covid, it has a tendency to make its holder sick: a “stocking stuffer” that has become a “flight”! Lhe air is unhealthy for the minister stationed at 14, avenue Duquesne in Paris (7th arrondissement), address of the Ministry of Health. Covid has launched the era of a bitter ministry, a place where the tune of a former Bitter Ministry resounds: “Mon Dad of mine is a gangster” (1).

Rape, sexual and moral harassment, assault, favoritism, false declaration, embezzlement of public funds, breach of trust, concealment: level of criminal offenses and breaches of ethics, the weather and health report is not good. Cases are piling up like cumulonimbus clouds before a storm, and this time, it is the turn of the brand new Minister of Health to hit the headlines.

Barely named, Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo was caught by the patrol. The poor woman failed to mention, in her asset declaration, various small gifts totaling 20,000 euros, gifts that were given to her and guess by which company?

No, for once it is not the Pfizer pharmaceutical laboratories (as for Jérôme Cahuzac). This time, it’s Urgo and commercial margin practices called into question by an investigating judge.

As a result, there are many people who demand his resignation, and in particular those who want his place: they are legion. As it turns out, Emmanuel Macron and Élisabeth Borne did well to clarify “acting” in the decree appointing Madame Firmin-Le Bodo.

Since the law of April 30, 2020, the official date of the start of “the Covid dictatorship”, the life expectancy of Ministers of Health has been visibly decreasing. It’s falling as fast now as Pfizer’s stock price. This becomes a hot potato. Let’s look at it all in descending order of longevity.

Agnès Buzyn: 34 months in office. It was she who put hydroxychloroquine on the list of products requiring a prescription when for 34 years, this had not been necessary. No scientific publication has come to dictate such a decision. Regarding Covid, Agnès Buzyn settles her accounts in a book by recalling having warned Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and the President of the risks while declaring that her mother was treated with hydroxychloroquine… For once, she be careful not to find any toxicity in it or to recall that her husband Yves Levy, close to Yazdan Yardanpanah, was a fervent opponent of Professor Raoult during the allocation of the IHU in 2008. And that he played an important role in the P4 laboratory in Wuhan… Olivier Véran: 25 months in post. His unlimited propensity to lie has logically earned him the appointment of government spokesperson, a position he has held since his departure from Health. In addition to being caught in the trap of “Lancetgate”, it was he who launched the slogan “All vaccinated, all protected” when he knew that the vaccine did not protect against transmission, says the former president of the Scientific council Jean-François Delfraissy. Francis Braun: 12 months in office. He did his thesis on hydroxychloroquine without finding any toxicity at the doses recommended by Professor Raoult. Whatever. He found a thousand and one reasons, all fallacious, not to reinstate the caregivers. Brigitte Bourguignon: 6 weeks in post. “Access by social elevator” came up against electoral reality: defeated in the legislative elections, she had to resign. Aurélien Rousseau: 5 months in post. He achieved the feat of making virtual the reality of the side effects of vaccination and receiving a few doses of complaints about defects in consent. He would have resigned amid disagreement over the immigration bill while observers point out that his position on side effects made his retention in this position untenable. The lie was too big, even if one of the complaints was dismissed. Finally, to close the current series, Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo: a few days in office, and already, it feels like the end.

In addition to her reprehensible secrecy mentioned above, the lady constantly reiterated her blind support for vaccination, even though being a pharmacist, she had a professional duty to update her knowledge. Funnier, one of his relatives declared “qshe saw herself as Minister of Health for a long time“, and that she had been delighted with the departure of Brigitte Bourguignon.

(1) The AMER Ministry (Action Music and Rap) is a French hip-hop group from Garges-Sarcelles in Val-d’Oise, whose founding members are Stomy Bugsy, Passi, Hamed Daye, Kenzy, and DJ Desh. The group is particularly known for its radical lyrics such asBrigitte, cop’s wife, Sacrifice of chickensorTraitors.

#Health #ministry #highly #ejectable #seat

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