Health, one avogado a week reduces the risk of heart problems

by time news

Health, one avogado a week removes cardiovascular risks

Avogado is a fruit that Italians are not yet very used to but it has some really important properties and it would be worth presenting it more often on the table. In fact, according to a study published by the “Journal of American Heart Association”, consuming avocados at least once a week reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The fruit has a high content of fiber and unsaturated fats and, for this reason, it would contribute to improving the state of health in general, in particular as regards the control of dangerous cholesterol. The results come from a study, presented these days, which followed about 70,000 women and 42,000 men for 30 years. In this long period, 9,185 cases of coronary heart disease and 5,290 strokes have been reported.

Health, a study that lasted thirty years

IThe team of researchers, led by Lorena Pacheco, of the nutrition department of the TH Chan Department of Public Health at Harvardafter considering the various cardiovascular risk factors and the diet of the participants calculated that, eat half an avocado twice a week reduces by 16% the risk of cardiovascular disorders compared to those who never eat this fruit. While, on the other hand, with regard to stroke, no significant difference was observed. Of course, beyond the indications observed, it was not possible to establish a cause and effect relationship between avocado consumption and cardiovascular risk, however they are the potential biological mechanisms through which avocados exert their cardioprotective benefits are real. “The main monounsaturated fatty acid found in avocados is oleic acida healthy fat that we believe helps reduce high blood pressure, inflammation and insulin sensitivity – explained Dr. Pacheco – also, avocados contain plant sterols and soluble fiber, which could lead to lower levels of bad cholesterol. “.

Health, in the diet less foods rich in saturated fat

The researchers thus advised to replace foods with saturated fat with products such as avocado. However, as with other foods, it is also important to consume it correctly “in many cases in fact avogado is eaten in the form of pureed cream, the so-called “guacamole”. This cream is too often accompanied by a high consumption of french friesFatty foods too high in calories. Proper dietary supplementation would consist of including avocados as an alternative to fat sources such as bacon and butter.

Health, avogado a fruit with a complex history

Well, everything seems positive but, as usual, there is another side of the coin that is not as pleasant. In fact, in some countries, avocado production has a high environmental impact. The fruit, born in Central and South America, was already present in the diet of the natives centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards. But in the globalized market, its production requires large quantities of water and it has a high carbon consumption as it travels long distances from countries like Mexico to the United States or Europe. Furthermore, the cultivation of this fruit has led to violence, deforestation and job insecurity, especially in Mexico. But all this does not cancel the beneficial properties, now scientifically proven, of a fruit that is not yet consumed in our country.

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