Health scandal, the “Bome François” in the sights of pharmacists! 🚨💊😷 – 2024-05-09 21:44:10

by times news cr

2024-05-09 21:44:10

New earthquake in the Cameroonian medical region. The National Order of Pharmacists of Cameroon (ONPC) has just stepped up to demand the immediate withdrawal from the market of the famous “ Bome François”, a popular traditional medicine. The reason: non-compliance with manufacturing standards. A case that risks making waves.

The ONPC brings out the heavy artillery against the “Bome François”, an extraordinary product

It is a decision which will not fail to provoke a reaction from the millions of Cameroonians who are followers of “ Bome François“. In a vitriolic press release relayed by, the National Order of Pharmacists of Cameroon demanded the pure and simple withdrawal of this traditional medicine from the national market. A relentless indictment which points out the serious breaches of manufacturing standards noted by the Order’s experts.

« After a series of checks and in-depth analyses, it appears that “Bome François” does not respect any of the quality, safety and traceability standards required for any medicine distributed on the national territory.“, asserts the ONPC. Grievances to which are added suspicions about the exact composition of the product, the formula of which remains a mystery well guarded by its designer, François Ekouma.

“Doctor Bome”, from national icon to health pariah?

A true national icon, the “ Doctor Bome » as it is affectionately called by its customers, today finds itself at the heart of a controversy which risks lasting tarnishing its image. He who had built his reputation on his accessibility, his attentiveness and his unbeatable prices, today finds himself accused of endangering the health of his fellow citizens with an opaque and potentially dangerous product.

A hard blow for this self-taught naturopath, who has more than 30 years of experience in the treatment of the most diverse conditions, from malaria to diabetes and erectile dysfunction. A Cameroonian success story, which had made “Bome François” a true social phenomenon, popular with all levels of the population, from the most humble to the most exclusive.

Behind the “Bome François”the gaping flaws in the Cameroonian health system

But beyond the single case of “Doctor Bome”, the entire Cameroonian health system is being questioned by this affair. Because if products like “Bome François » are so successful, it is because they fill the gaping holes in a two-tier healthcare system, which leaves the most vulnerable populations behind.

Under-equipped hospitals, understaffed medical staff, overpriced medicines… So many well-known ailments that push millions of Cameroonians to turn to traditional medicine, sometimes at the risk of coming across quacks or adulterated products. An explosive situation, which calls for a strong reaction from the health authorities to stem the excesses and restore confidence.

The affair of “Bome François” should serve as a trigger. It is time to bring order to the jungle of traditional medicines, by imposing strict manufacturing, control and traceability standards. But also to fundamentally rethink our health system, to make it fairer, more accessible and more efficient. Otherwise, it opens the door to other health scandals, with shattered lives and human tragedies as a result. Cameroon has all the assets to meet this challenge. We still need a political will that meets the challenges. The countdown begins.

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