Health, the request of general practitioners: forward with dematerialized prescriptions

by time news

Health: dematerialized recipe, Fimmg “risk of system collapse”

“We are working in close contact with the Ministry of Health to ensure that a system does not skip from 1 April, perhaps one of the few positive things inherited from the Covid period, which in fact allowed after years of mere theoretical discussion a true dematerialization of the recipe of the NHS, thanks to measures that however fell within the emergency profiles of the period and therefore expire on March 31. A more than concrete risk, with respect to which fortunately we have once again found great political sensitivity on the part of Minister Roberto Speranza and his staff, starting with the head of the Cabinet Tiziana Coccoluto “.

The one highlighted by the words of Fimmg’s general secretary, Silvestro Scotti, is the of a crisis that has almost certainly escaped, given the solutions that seem to arrive. The specific case concerns the mechanism of the dematerialized recipe, which in fact should expire from 1 April with the end of the state of emergency. “Basically – explains Scotti – a return to the press of millions of memos a day, forcing patients to wait long in their offices and doctors to subtract time from direct patient visits”. With the end of the state of emergency, the mechanism that essentially led to the implementation of the dematerialization of recipes under Covid would be destined to stop.

“In recent years we have been able to send the memo either by email or by messaging with only the electronic number of recipe (the so-called NRE), to our patients – remembers the general secretary Fimmg – by giving them the freedom to take therapies in the pharmacies closest to home or by allowing especially the family members of the most fragile patients, usually children or grandchildren, a management more suited to the times of a caregiver; who then is often a worker and should take time to move to our studios just to get a reminder during his working hours. A system that has proved to be very efficient, especially useful for the delivery of repeated therapies to chronic patients and which is determining (according to our analyzes) even greater adherence to the therapies “.

Precisely to prevent this system from failing, Fimmg has recently requested an intervention by Minister Speranza, obtaining an immediate response. A new Civil Protection Ordinance is expected as soon as possible, thanks to which the current procedures on electronic prescription are kept alive. All this pending the implementation of the systems provided for by the regulations in force and connected to the implementation of the electronic health record, thanks to which citizens will be able to download the prescriptions of family doctors directly in the pharmacy through the health card (possibility available today only in a few regions of Italy).

“Once again – points out Scotti – Fimmg has chosen to work in the interest of patients and to protect colleagues, without too much clamor which evidently distracts others from binding and daily issues and always following problems, solutions and facts not mere complaints. Finally, and why not, in this way it will also be possible to avoid the waste of tons of paper and rivers of ink that correspond to fewer trees that have been felled and less polluting, in the sign of a true “one health” policy where care is ‘attention to professional procedures protects and cares not only for people, but also for the environment in which we live and work “.

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