Healthcare Reform in Sweden: Addressing Inequality and Inefficiency According to Minister Ebba Busch

by time news

Ebba Busch argues for a reform of healthcare to address inequality and inefficiency in care. There are significant regional differences in care outcomes that are determined by place of residence, according to Busch. Since the KD party was last in government, it has pushed for national responsibility for care. Busch argues for increased government governance to address the issues brought to light during the corona pandemic. Health care minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson also emphasises the lack of equality in Swedish healthcare and states that any necessary reforms should be implemented to ensure equal care for all. There is a call for reform of the current healthcare organisation with the 21 regions that has been in place since 1862, according to Busch. A parliamentary inquiry has been appointed by the government to investigate the possibility of introducing a partial or full state leadership for medical and health services. Previously an investigation into nationalization occurred in 2007 and did not proceed.

According to Ebba Busch, health care needs to be reformed to address inequality and inefficiency in care.

– There are significant differences in how quickly you receive care and what the results are. The outcome varies between the regions and it is the place of residence that decides, she says.

KD has pushed the issue of national responsibility for care since the party was last in government, when they were responsible for the Ministry of Social Affairs.

– Far too many people have gotten stuck in the healthcare organization that Sweden is dragged along with. The lessons learned from the corona pandemic speak strongly for increased government governance, says Ebba Busch.

Photo: Lars Schröder/TT

At the press conference the Minister of Health Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) and Carina Ståhl Herrstedt, member of the Social Committee (SD), also attended.

The two ministers highlighted in particular the inequality that prevails in Swedish healthcare. Ebba Busch pointed out that the organization with the 21 regions has not changed since 1862, when the county council was formed.

Health care minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson said that health care lacks equality.

– We have a health care law that applies to everyone, and according to it you must receive equal, equal care. If we do not succeed in that, we must make reforms that are necessary, said Acko Ankarberg Johansson.

Alarm reports are heard daily from the healthcare system. Nationalization can take many years.

The question is whether the government is putting powder on the right things?

It is absolutely necessary that we review the organization and structure because we cannot continue with the ones we have had for many years. Where we see these big differences, we have to work on it.

According to Acko Ankarberg Johansson can a change be implemented without a constitutional amendment, as long as it does not involve closing down the regions. She also emphasizes that other work, for example with expanding care places and expanding primary care, should not stop in the meantime.

The work to expand care places and expand primary care will continue, despite the investigation, emphasizes Health Care Minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson.

Photo: Lars Schröder/TT

During the previous coalition government, healthcare policy was characterized by a deregulation of healthcare. On the question of whether the right of free establishment, which allows private healthcare providers to set up wherever they want, should be reviewed, Ebba Busch says:

– It is clear that if we get full-scale national leadership for healthcare, it is an issue that would be the subject of the state’s responsibility as well.

In the election was a nationalization of healthcare one of KD’s profile issues, which was also supported by a large voter opinion. As many as 70 percent of Swedes want the state to take over the leadership of healthcare, according to the SOM institute.

I have also spoken to many heavy-handed representatives of the Social Democrats who also see that the care organization we have today is not up to par.

The issue of nationalization has previously divided the right-wing bloc. Now KD emphasizes that the question of investigating a full or partial nationalization is included in the Tidö agreement.

– I have also spoken to many powerful representatives of the Social Democrats who also see that the care organization we have today is not up to par, says Ebba Busch.

The government is therefore appointing a parliamentary inquiry which will “analyze and highlight the pros and cons, as well as submit proposals for the long-term possibilities of introducing a partial or full state leadership” for the medical and health services.

A nationalization has been investigated before, among other things by the responsibility committee in 2007, without being carried out.

The investigation will present its report in 2025.

Read more: The issue of the nationalization of healthcare is dividing the right-wing bloc

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