“Healthy Morning Routine for Sustainable Weight Loss: Tips for Getting Enough Sleep, a Balanced Breakfast, and Exercise Outdoors”

by time news

2023-04-27 10:03:50

On a balanced nutrition pay attention, go to the gym and stay disciplined – Lose weight is not an easy path. It doesn’t have to be that complicated and tedious.

In order to lose weight healthily and sustainably, i.e. not to fall victim to the yo-yo effect, you should adopt a healthy morning routine.


1. Getting enough sleep is important

Sleep is an important building block for achieving – and maintaining – your own feel-good weight.

Then lack of sleep can permanently food cravings trigger. In addition, performance decreases with too little sleep. If there is no time for a long lie-in in the morning, the following applies: if you have to get up early, you also have to go to bed early.

And even if it’s really cozy in bed right now – pressing the snooze button on the alarm clock for an hour is absolutely not a good idea. In the long run, your brain no longer knows whether to sleep or get up. This not only robs you of precious energy in the morning, but will also accompany you with sluggishness throughout the day. As mean as it is: Get your feet off the bed and start the day slowly. Your brain will thank you with strength of concentration and energy.

2. Let daylight wake you up

Fresh air and sunshine make morning grouches awake. Sunlight is the main source of Vitamin D.

A deficiency can weight gain favor. Therefore, open the curtains and windows as soon as the alarm goes off and let fresh air and light into your home. This way your eyes get used to the daylight better and you wake up your body with completely natural means.

3. A balanced breakfast

sit up protein for the first meal of the day. Quark and Co. fill you up for longer than a high-carbohydrate or high-fat breakfast with a comparable number of calories.

In addition, proteins in the morning prevent subsequent food cravings because the feeling of satiety lasts longer.

4. Healthy snacks in between

Good preparation is everything. If there is not enough time in the morning for pre-cookingprepare at least healthy snacks that you can take to work.

Apples, some nuts or vegetable sticks are suitable as healthy snacks.

Photo gallery: 15 tips for more exercise in everyday life

5. A little exercise helps

It doesn’t have to be a morning visit to the gym. Just use your commute as a mini workout, go for a brisk walk or get on the bike and do a lap.

Exercise in the fresh air wakes you up. The sporting activity in the morning also burns a few calories and revs up the metabolism.

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