Healthy summer: how to get it | Health

by time news

2023-05-25 14:34:04

Source: Freepik

When summer arrives we have mixed feelings.

On the one hand, we tend to have more vacation and that is always a reason for joy. In addition, if we have spent a rainy and cold winter, the sun is appreciated because it allows us to carry out activities that we have wanted to do for months. Perhaps you like to take a walk in the mountains, go to a river or a beach or simply sit in a park or on a bar terrace with a good conversation.

But it is also true that if your area is very hot in summer, it can become oppressive. That’s why let us give you some tips to avoid that burden.

Source: Freepik

Go on vacation Hahaha, now, this is a truism because we know that who else wants it than you! The thing is that if you can’t make a long trip, at least try to get away to a place where you have the option to cool off, either because it has a beach, river or pool or because it’s an area where it cools down and you can sleep at night! even covered!

Take advantage of the cooler hours

If you go to the countryside or a forest in summer, at 40º, I assure you that at noon you will only see cicadas. The rest of the animals, especially mammals, will be in the shade and will begin their activity at sunset. Well that, avoid the street in the hours of maximum heat.

Source: Freepik

Drink (more) water

Another obvious, but do you know that we usually drink much less than we need? Many times the problem is not having it at hand. If you have to work or be in a fixed place, try to have a good bottle on hand (perhaps it is a good idea to make it a thermos to keep it cool), because if you don’t have it nearby you will see that you drink much less. So, you know: not without your bottle.

Take advantage of the air conditioning

If you live in urban areas, it is not foolish to go for a walk in a shopping center with its good air conditioning. You don’t have to spend your budget on purchases, just take advantage of the cold.

refresh your house

Take advantage of the night and morning to ventilate, and the rest of the time close tightly! Cast the blinds, awnings and curtains. Everything you can to insulate and let in as little heat as possible. It is clear that air conditioning is the best way to cool, but it can also be an unaffordable expense and perhaps with a fan (especially ceiling fans) you solve part of the problem.

Baggy clothes

Wear clothes that do not fit your body, that are vaporous. You will spend less heat than if you go without clothes. And if you’re at home walk barefoot. It is healthier and refreshing

Created: 05/25/2023 14:05

This information should never replace the opinion of a doctor. If in doubt, consult professionals.

#Healthy #summer #Health

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