Hearing loss, why does it occur in young adults?

by time news

2024-01-02 20:00:11

One of the main risk factors for hearing loss is the age. As a person ages, the probability of suffering from multiple diseases increases, in addition to a gradual decrease in senses. Although it must also be taken into account that no one is safe because this transformation can occur sooner.

To have as healthy an old age as possible, it is necessary to adopt a correct lifestyle since childhood. In this way, the chances of reaching the third age with the minimum of problems and enjoy the last stage of life.

What is hearing loss?

Now, one of the most common problems among older adults is hearing loss o hearing loss It is described as the total or partial inability to hear sounds in one or both ears and is divided into three categories.

Conductive: Affects the external or middle ear. Neurosensory: Affects the inner ear. Mixed: It is a mixture of the previous two.

On the other hand, a phenomenon that is becoming more and more frequent is developing hearing problems from an early age. They even occur before turning 30 and it is partly due to people’s new habits.

Why does hearing loss occur in young adults?

The lifestyle that the new generations lead causes great damage to their ears, since their environments and their most common activities are full of loud soundspresent in video games, music, clubs, concerts, cinemas and television.

In this regard, the MED-EL company conducted a survey in 2022 and identified that 1% of young people between 18 and 24 years old are aware that they have a hearing disability. While 13% of those surveyed indicated that those in their immediate environment have mentioned to them that their hearing has been deteriorating, they notice a great change in the way they communicate with them, by speaking to them in a higher tone and by repeating words or phrases in regular conversation constantly.

The hearing loss It is commonly caused by birth, chronic illness, some ototoxic medications, drug use, and aging, but it is possible to add the extreme sounds of everyday life.

In turn, the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that in 2022 it was detected that more than 1,000 million people between 12 and 35 years old were at risk of suffering from hearing loss due to prolonged and excessive exposure to loud sounds.

“One of the most common causes of deafness in young people is the use of hearing aids at high volumes, as well as recreational sounds where the exposure exceeds more than 85 decibels for eight hours or more than 100 decibels for 15 minutes. This could cause hearing loss before the age of 30. Extreme noise destroys the nerve cells responsible for carrying sound; if these are damaged, the deterioration becomes irreversible,” says Dr. Jimena Atuán Rodas, Audiologist and Clinical Support Manager at MED-EL México.

That is why the constant and prolonged use of headphones, with extreme volume, is a factor that makes the population vulnerable, especially young people, who are the ones who use this type of devices the most. High decibels permanently damage the ear, causing partial or total loss of hearing 30 years earlier than usual.

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