Heart disease risk clear within minute with new eye test

by time news
ScienceOct 9 ’22 08:04Auteur: BNR Web Editor

Researchers have found that an eye test can determine whether someone is at risk for heart disease within a minute. With the help of artificial intelligence, software could analyze whether heart problems could occur in a patient.

Researchers have shown that software can analyze the veins in eyes. Specifically, the blood vessels in the retina are then looked at. The health of a person’s heart can then be determined based on the size, extent and surface of the vessels. Researchers argue that analysis of this new test is as accurate as that of tests already in use today. The advantage is that the new test can be performed faster and cheaper.

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Additional testing needed

The research published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology paves the way for rapid and inexpensive examinations. Patients would also no longer have to go to specialized heart clinics to investigate possible heart problems. However, additional tests must be performed for this.

Researchers have found that an eye test can determine whether someone is at risk for heart disease within a minute.  With the help of artificial intelligence, software could analyze whether heart problems could occur in a patient.
Researchers have found that an eye test can determine whether someone is at risk for heart disease within a minute. With the help of artificial intelligence, software could analyze whether heart problems could occur in a patient. (Colin Lloyd)

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