Heart in 3D: New mapping of cardiac activity to target arrhythmia

by time news

The Fatebenefratelli-Isola Tiberina Hospital in Rome is the first in Lazio and among the first in Italy to adopt a revolutionary technology which, through the 3D visualization of the heart’s structures and an advanced mode of recording the cardiac signal, marks an important step forward in diagnosis. and in the treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias.

“In recent decades, arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation have become among the most important public health problems in Western countries, affecting more than 5% of the population – says Dr. Stefano Bianchi, Director of the Department of Cardiology of the Fatebenefratelli-Isola Tiberina in Rome -. Our Center, as an arrhythmological center of regional reference, has for some time been adopting innovative technological solutions in order to effectively and safely map and treat anomalies in the heartbeat. “


This technology, called EnSite ™ X EP System by the American company Abbott, allows to create a three-dimensional anatomical model of the heart allowing the real-time visualization of the electrical activity and to use a new mode of reading the cardiac signal, the Omnipolar Mapping, for accurately reproduce the patient’s electrical activity without this information being impacted by external factors. It is a revolutionary system for 3D mapping that offers new perspectives, hitherto never explored, and which therefore represents an important advance in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

Dr. Pietro Rossi, head of the Fatebenefratelli Arrhythmology Unit, explains: “The Cardiology of the Hospital on the Tiber Island of Rome is among the first centers in Italy and among the few in Europe to have followed the launch phase and the first experiences of using this new virtual mapping system which is characterized above all by its high accuracy in the ablation of complex arrhythmias, such as Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Tachycardia. In essence, it is a computerized reconstruction of the anatomy of the heart capable of quickly and precisely creating very high-density maps that allow the identification of personalized treatment paths for patients “.

EnSite X

The EnSite X, in combination with high-density mapping catheters, also allows to obtain information so far not available on a 3D mapping system: through this technology, in fact, the electrophysiologist can know the conduction speed inside the heart chamber. of the patient and to know exactly the direction of electrical activation. This is crucial information for knowing precisely the most critical areas to be treated in complex arrhythmias.

“Thanks to this technology, of which we are precursors in Italy, today we can visualize a high-resolution three-dimensional map of the heart and have real-time information on the areas responsible for the arrhythmia, improving the quality and reducing the duration of ablation procedures with a higher success rate for the benefit of patients ”concludes Bianchi. “A confirmation of the constant commitment of our Center in providing highly specialized innovative services on complex patients with cardiovascular problems and with pathologies with a high clinical and social impact”.

Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias has been growing steadily in recent years. In Italy, approximately 20,000 ablation operations are performed every year. In 2020, about 1,500 Electroanatomical Mapping procedures were performed in the Lazio Region, of which 500 Atrial Fibrillation ablations. Having precise and cutting-edge technology is essential to obtain solid and reproducible results.

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