Heat alert in 23 cities on Wednesday 19 July

by time news

2023-07-17 15:49:14

Maximum heat alert level today in 17 Italian cities, which will rise to 20 tomorrow and reach 23 on Wednesday 19 July, the peak day. The arrival of the Charon anticyclone turns the heat wave bulletin of the Ministry of Health red.

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Of the 27 cities monitored, Ancona, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Cagliari, Campobasso, Florence, Frosinone, Latina, Messina, Palermo, Perugia, time.news, Rieti, Rome have the red dot today (alert 3, the highest). , Trieste and Viterbo. Tomorrow 18 July, Naples, Venice and Verona will also be added to this list, with Milan and Reggio Calabria switching from the yellow dot (level 1) to orange (level 2). On Wednesday, Bolzano turns yellow again, but Bari, Catania, Civitavecchia and Turin go from orange to red. For all three days the alert remains maximum in the capital.

Climatologist Luca Mercalli speaks of “an anomalous heat wave”, explaining that the large bubble of hot air, or rather “the anticyclone of African origin that arises from the Sahara (in Algeria there are 47-48 degrees) crosses the whole Mediterranean expanding over Spain”, under check from the heat, “until it reaches Southern Italy”.

“In all the countries of the world the temperature is increasing. The average planetary temperature is seventeen degrees: last week was, on a global level, the hottest in the history of the planet since we have been measuring meteorological data – underlines Mercalli addressing the issue of global warming – A level never reached before, a new alarm bell, a situation that will not stop unless serious action is taken to reduce the causes. We are going too slow, 31 years have passed since the first United Nations Convention on climate change “.

#Heat #alert #cities #Wednesday #July

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