Heatwave: 13 departments in the South-East kept on orange alert

by time news

Permanently installed. Present for several days in France, the heat wave persists in the south-eastern quarter of the country. While elsewhere the weather this Sunday will be dominated by calm and dry weather everywhere, this new peak of heat in the southern half of the country, forces Météo France to extend its orange heat wave vigilance for 13 departments of the South-East this Sunday. Vigilance maintained in its new Sunday bulletin at 4 p.m., until 4 p.m. Monday.

1 3 p.m., Météo France noted “about 33°C in Annecy, Lyon and Le Puy, 35°C in Grenoble, Chambéry and Montélimar, 37°C in Aubenas, Orange and Nimes”, confirming the arrival of “maximums which are on the rise, to come and flirt with the 40 inside Provence”. “Tomorrow Monday, temperatures will often be between 35 and 38 degrees in the south-east of the country”, continues the forecaster, who expects a “significant” drop in temperature from Tuesday.

A cooler night

More generally, beautiful clearings are present from the start of the day in most regions. Clouds may be present on the Channel coast. The sky is rather overcast on the tip of Brittany, but clearings have developed over the hours. The sun has imposed itself elsewhere and the heat is back on the whole of the south of the country. In the evening, the sky will cloud over Brittany and the Aquitaine coast.

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In the evening, temperatures will remain high, between 27 and 28 degrees in the Northeast, and 28 to 34 degrees in the South. , the lows will be cool with 11 to 18 degrees in general, they will remain high in the Southeast with 19 to 25 degrees. The night will cool slightly, with maximums at 26 degrees in the South-East, against 17 degrees in Brittany, and 22 in Paris.

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