Heatwave and thunderstorms: more than 21 departments classified in orange vigilance this Wednesday

by time news

The heat episode is not over but it is less ample. While Tuesday morning Météo France classified 73 departments in orange heatwave and/or thunderstorm vigilance, this Wednesday, in its 6 a.m. bulletin, the forecaster’s alert only concerns 21 departments, mainly located on the west side of the country and in the center-west.

In detail, reiterates its warning repeated in recent days on “a heat wave episode requiring special attention due to its intensity and duration. “This Wednesday, the high temperatures will only concern the south-eastern quarter of the country as well as Alsace, with night temperatures still remaining very high. “This situation is likely to continue for several more days in these regions”, explains the forecaster.

Regarding the storms, which will affect nine departments in the north-east of the country, the forecaster evokes a “severely stormy summer situation which requires particular vigilance insofar as there is a strong risk of a violent phenomenon. These storms could be violent with hail and strong electrical activity.

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More generally, from Wednesday morning, from Normandy and Hauts-de-France, to the Paris region, the Center Val de Loire and as far as Champagne-Ardennes, the weather will be very cloudy with frequent and often stormy showers, according to Meteo-France forecasts. Over the afternoon, this disturbed weather will extend towards Lorraine, Alsace and the Jura. From Brittany to the Pays de Loire, Poitou and to the north of Auvergne, there too clouds and showers will be numerous in the morning, before a lull in the course of the afternoon.

On the South-West, the sky will be quite busy in the morning with a few drops possible. In the afternoon, fine clearings will develop between the Loire and the Garonne, they will be more timid near the Pyrenees and in Brittany.

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Minimum temperatures will range from 15 to 20 degrees on the western half of the country, 19 to 22 degrees in the east with peaks of up to 25 or 26 degrees on the Mediterranean coasts. The maximum will be down everywhere except on the southeastern quarter where they still reach 33 to 38 degrees. We expect 25 to 29 degrees in general, no more than 22 to 26 degrees from the coasts of the Channel to Brittany, but 30 to 34 degrees from Roussillon to the east of the Massif Central and to the east of Lorraine and Franche-Comté, another 35 to 36 in the plain of Alsace.

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