Heavy rains already leave 18 dead in Venezuela

by time news

Roads collapse and there are rivers overflowing due to the intense rains in Venezuela.

An 86-year-old woman died this Thursday boarded up by a wall that collapsed due to the rains in the state of Sucre, in eastern Venezuela, with which the death toll from the heavy rainfall of the last two weeks rises to 18reported the Vice Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection of Venezuela, Carlos Pérez Ampueda. The official said, in statements to the state channel Venezolana de Televisión, that, in addition, six people were injured by falling trees in the last few hours, in accidents that left four injured in Caracas and two in Carabobo. Among the numerous material damages, 22,000 homes with various damages are computed throughout the national territory, of which 17 “collapsed totally or partially,” according to Pérez Ampueda.

The heavy rainfall affected the 23 regions of the country, as well as Caracas, which was, along with Carabobo, Falcón, Trujillo, Bolívar and Guárico, the ones that endured the greatest intensity of the meteorological phenomenon. Given this scenario, the official insisted on asking for precautions to be taken, since heavy rainfall and thunderstorms will continue in the next 24 hours.

During the day, the authorities reported the collapse of numerous roads and at least two overflowing rivers, in addition to fallen trees, landslides and landslides. The country’s Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inameh) warned that the intensity of the winds is increasingwhich, together with the rains, will gain intensity in the coming hours due to the escalation of the situation, which has gone from a wave to a tropical depression, which implies a greater impact of the phenomenon on the country, especially on western areas.

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