Heavy sentences required against the accused Néro Lancinet Camara

by time news

2023-07-20 19:14:55

The trial of Néro Lancinet Camara continued on July 19 at the Mafanco court of first instance. Charged with “rape and harassment” of four minors from the Hakuna Matata orphanage in Dabompa, he faces 15 years in prison.

As soon as the hearing opened, the president of the court, Kallo Bamba, gave the floor to the civil party for his pleadings. She pleaded for a life sentence for the accused: “This is not the first time that Mr. Néro Lancinet has been accused of rape. He is familiar with the facts. We are victims of a person supposed to be a father. He started with Mahawa Touré, knowing that the latter is an orphan. He was telling them that he has supernatural powers in case they mentioned it. He threatened to kick them out of the orphanage if they told anyone. He gives them money, buys them sweets. These children are victims of manipulation. And the consequences will follow them even after their marriage… The offense of rape is constituted against her. As victims, we ask that you please retain Lancinet Néro Camara in the bonds of guilt and sentence him to life imprisonment, because he is a danger to society. For civil reparation, we are requesting 500 million Guinean francs”, pleaded Me Saran Dioumessy.

Prosecutor Kanfory Ibrahima Camara considered that the charges against Lancinet Néro Camara are very serious. He requested 15 years in prison against the accused. “Lancinet Néro Camara was unanimously denounced by a group of girls and each of them said they were victims of his actions… The oldest is 15, which constitutes aggravating circumstances. The facts were committed in very serious situations. They are minors, he took the opportunity to abuse them. The girls were traumatized, they were affected. It has to stop. The decision you have to make must echo to make it stop. I ask you to retain Lancinet Néro Camara in the links of the prevention for harassment and rape, by condemning him to 15 years of criminal imprisonment. I know you will walk on the tongue of the prosecution”.

Defense pleads not guilty

Lancinet Néro Camara’s lawyer, Me Sidiki Bérété, deplored the lack of evidence against his client. “We plead not guilty. We are talking about rape, sexual harassment without any proof. No pictures, no witnesses. Sexual harassment is evident. You cannot convict someone for acts of sexual harassment on the basis of a simple statement. There was not even the beginning of proof. Since Dame Rouyer obtained the divorce, she has never returned to follow the hearing. In the name of criminal law, it is better to release ten culprits than to condemn a single innocent. Grant our client the chance to live a life again, because he is a victim. He crossed paths with a viper, acquit him. Nero is a victim. His bad luck is to meet lady Rouyer. Otherwise why wait until Nero is in prison to ask for a divorce? Why wait for Nero to find out about Mr. Philippe’s relationship with his wife to ask the girls to accuse Nero of being a rapist? Why wait for the day of Mr. Philippe’s dismissal to accuse our client of a rapist? Too many coincidences! If you have evidence that Nero raped those girls, put him in jail. Otherwise, acquit our client”.

The court has taken the case under advisement for a decision to be rendered on July 25.

Kadiatou Diallo

#Heavy #sentences #required #accused #Néro #Lancinet #Camara

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