Heavy snowfall in Afghanistan … 42 killed! – Impact on people’s normal life | due to heavy snowfall 42 died in Afghanistan

by time news

Heavy snowfall in Afghanistan has killed at least 42 people.

The Ministry of Disaster Management of the Islamic State of Afghanistan has reported heavy snowfall in 15 provinces in Afghanistan. As a result, 42 people were killed and 76 were injured. It is also said that more than 2,000 houses have been damaged in the last 20 days.

Heavy snowfall in Afghanistan

Disaster Management Officer Enaidullah Shuja said, “Hundreds of people are stranded on the highways due to heavy snowfall. They are being safely rescued. We are working with various organizations to provide emergency assistance to the victims. “

Heavy snowfall in Afghanistan

Heavy snowfall in Afghanistan

Twice in the past week, 28 people have been killed in two earthquakes in the western province of Badghis. Many more houses were damaged. In this condition, people are currently suffering from hunger and starvation due to heavy snowfall.

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