Hebrew News – 5 simple changes that will help you sleep better at night

by time news

5 simple changes that will help you sleep better at night

We looked at how to synchronize the biological clock in a natural and simple way, and it turns out that it is simpler than we thought. We have compiled for you all the information you should know about our biological clock and how it can be synchronized using a few simple steps

The biological clock is an internal clock that exists in almost all animals, and from an evolutionary point of view it developed as a need to prepare us and the living creatures for the changing environment. The clock is responsible for daily changes, and since almost every process in the body is affected by daily changes, the clock affects our appetite, body temperature, metabolism, enzyme activity and of course also our sleep.

In recent years, there is growing awareness that the modern lifestyle throws the biological clock off course, thereby disrupting the normal functioning of the body. Studies from the past decades have begun to reveal the connection of the biological clock to other regulators such as nutrition, physical activity, stress and taking medications. For example, exposure to the light of the screens until the late hours of the night, an intense and stressful daily schedule, late eating and more do not exactly carry health benefits. In addition, many studies have shown that there is a connection between damage to the regulation of the circadian clock and the development of cancer, obesity and diabetes.

The biological clock actually regulates our activity depending on the light and dark cycles during the day. From an evolutionary point of view, this has an advantage because this regulation allows for rest, metabolic activity, limiting activity to avoid becoming prey and adapting to changes in environmental conditions. In fact, it even exists in plants.

as mentioned, The current age challenges this basic condition of regulating light with darkness. One of the main problems that almost all of us are exposed to is exposure to light before bed. In other words, the smartphone urges us to check notifications, surf social networks and answer messages and emails even in the evening. The screen of the mobile emits a multitude of light waves, but the main one, the one that signals to our watch that we are in action mode, is of course the blue light.

The TV also creates the same problem. The blue light moves our clock hands back. And if that’s not enough, in an attempt to manage to sleep enough hours a day, many of us close the blinds tightly and create a completely darkened room so that the first light of the morning does not disturb. The problem is that this is how we delay the clock’s activity from the opposite direction – that of the morning.

so what are we doing? This is how you will synchronize the biological clock back

1. Half an hour before going to sleep, say goodbye to the mobile phone

Yes, leave the FOMO aside and the smartphone in another room. Get into bed without it, and allow yourself to sink into better quality sleep.

2. Reduce the brightness of the computer screen in the evening

If you have arrived home and you have to work late, it is advisable that you lower the brightness level of the screen as much as possible to reduce the exposure to blue light during the hours of darkness.

3. Dim lights

Already in the evening, signal to melatonin that you are ready for him and dim the lights in the house. The light next to the bed should be turned off half an hour before bedtime.

4. Keep the TV for the living room

Tonight is really not the recommended time to complete episodes of your favorite series. Also, the thought that watching a boring TV show will make us fall asleep faster is simply not true. Get into bed with a book, read a little, and just go to sleep.

5. Light dinner only

Avoid eating a heavy meal about five hours before bed and settle for a light dinner, such as a large and rich salad, up to three hours before bed. If you are into a heavy meal, such as pasta or a hamburger and fries, try to eat it as far away from bedtime as possible.

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