Hebrew News – A bonus of hundreds of pounds for the palace employees: the surprising step of King Charles

by time news

Hundreds of pounds bonus for palace workers: King Charles’ surprise move

Only two months since he assumed his new position, the King of England decided to give a fat bonus to 500 employees of the kingdom from his own pocket, this in order to help them overcome the crisis of the cost of living

King Charles recently took quite a bit of money out of his pocket, when he decided to give a particularly nice bonus to royal household employees who, according to reports, earn less than £30,000 a year. As mentioned, the King of England decided to spend the money from his own pocket. Those close to the king explain that the surprising decision stems from an attempt to help workers overcome the cost of living which has also reached Britain.

According to the reports, no employee is left disadvantaged, as the servants, cleaners, policemen, and everyone, will also receive the bonus. “The financial bonus will be given in a one-time payment and it is expected to help the employees in view of the increase in energy bills and the mortgage,” explained a senior official in the royal house.

As you may remember, King Charles recently encountered an unpleasant incident when he arrived with his wife at a local bar in a city in the Yorkshire region of northern England, when an unknown man threw eggs at him and shouted: “This country was built on the blood of slaves.” Charles, for his part, was not particularly excited, and the security guards immediately removed the man and stopped the riot.

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