Hebrew News – About a month after the poisoned reports: Roman Abramovich again tries to mediate between Ukraine and Russia

by time news

About a month after the poisoned reports: Roman Abramovich again tries to mediate between Ukraine and Russia

According to reports, the Russian oligarch traveled to the capital Kyiv and met with representatives of the local government, to advance talks that would lead to an end to the bloody fighting

The Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, who is under many sanctions, traveled to Kiev to try to advance negotiations again and bring an end to the fighting between Russia and Ukraine. This is just days after another $ 7 billion of its assets were frozen.

Abramovich (Photo: AP)

Abramovich met with representatives of the Ukrainian government to try to revive talks between the two countries, which were halted after the Russian withdrawal from areas near Kiev revealed horrific evidence of massacre of civilians, inconceivable destruction and rape and sexual abuse.

The Russian billionaire, whose ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin began in the 1990s, has been trying to act as an unofficial mediator between Kyiv and Moscow since the beginning of the fighting, and he attended a round of face-to-face meetings about a month ago in Istanbul, Turkey.

But since the end of the round of talks, on March 29, there have been few signs of hope for the possibility of ending the crisis peacefully.

As mentioned, in recent days, a property of Abramovich – the Channel Islands of Jersey worth about $ 7 billion, known as a destination that attracts foreign investors – has been frozen. The French government has also taken over 12 billion-dollar residences in recent days, including a $ 120 million historic home on the French Riviera where King Edward VIII lived.

A fleet of five Abramovich ships, including yachts worth $ 600 million and $ 700 million, have been evading ports in Europe for weeks so that they do not fall into the hands of the authorities.

Recall, about three weeks ago it was reported that the oligarch and a number of other members who were in the Ukrainian negotiating group for discussions with Russia, suffered from symptoms that correspond to poisoning.

A source said the incident occurred “during his first trip to Kiev. Roman lost his sight for several hours. In Turkey, he and Rustem [פוליטיקאי אוקראיני] They were treated at the clinic, “the source said.

The investigative newspaper Blingkat wrote that the system “can confirm that three members of the delegation who participated in the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia, on the night between March 3 and 4, 2022, experienced symptoms similar to chemical weapon poisoning. One of the victims was Russian entrepreneur Roman Abramovich.” .

According to the newspaper, the symptoms included eye and skin inflammation and penetrating pain in the eyes. It was also noted that the three men recovered quickly. They left Kyiv the next day on suspicion of poisoning, traveled to Poland and then flew to Istanbul.

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