Hebrew News – Allergy among children during the transition season: everything you should know

by time news

Allergy in children during the transition season: everything you should know

Does your child show signs of allergies during the transition season? Did you know that their diet has a significant effect on the various symptoms? Here is a short and effective guide that will help you understand what they should eat and what they should avoid

Many suffer from various allergies during the transition season, but when it comes to children, the situation can get worse, this is in light of the fact that their bodies are more sensitive to the changes that the transition season brings with it. For example, many people are sensitive to pollens from flowers, grass, blossoms and more. The symptoms can be many, for example throat irritation, runny nose, skin irritation, and more.

Allergy among babies and children includes two variables: the pathogen (the substance that penetrates the body and may cause disease) and the sensitivity of the child’s body. The complementary medicine doctor advocates the idea of ​​calming the body, balancing and strengthening it through nutrition.

So how can you prevent or reduce allergy symptoms with the help of nutrition?

Let’s start with different foods that should be eaten:


raw tehini

Omega 3 essential fatty acids found mainly in sea fish and flax seeds. These acids reduce the production of prostaglandin hormones that stimulate inflammation and increase the production of these hormones. They reduce inflammation and taking them strengthens the activity of the immune system.

Fruits and vegetables as a source of antioxidants, with an emphasis on those rich in vitamin C such as kiwi, guava, red pepper, green leaves and citrus fruits.

Foods rich in dietary fiber such as oats, bran, flax seeds and more. The fibers help remove waste and toxins from the body and thus reduce the burden on the immune system.

Liquids – drinking herbal infusions such as chamomile flowers, water and fruit and vegetable juices improves the process of removing toxins from the body.

Warming herbs, which can be combined in porridge or cooking – such as ginger and cinnamon.

Foods that prevent phlegm accumulation such as parsley, radish, sweet potato, celery, kohlrabi and more.

Whole grains, grits and legumes. These foods are mainly recommended in cases of allergies that affect the respiratory system.

Foods you should avoid:

Allergenic foods such as wheat, gluten in general, cow’s milk and its products, corn, soy, citrus fruits, nuts, peanuts, tomatoes, coffee, sugar, chocolate and more.

Simple carbohydrates (white flour, sugar).

milk and milk products.

Saturated fats and animal protein (such as red meat, chicken, eggs) that weaken the digestive system and the immune system and encourage inflammatory processes.

Industrial, processed and preserved foods that contain food colors and flavorings that weaken the activity of the immune system.

Foods that increase phlegm such as sugar, milk and its products, citrus fruits, bananas, peanuts and more may increase phlegm production.

In conclusion, when our child does not eat a balanced diet, we aggravate the allergy symptoms. Proper nutrition will be able to reduce the symptoms more quickly and easily and even strengthen in the child the natural action that he knows how to do best.

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