Hebrew News – American reality star reveals: “I spent a particularly erotic month with Prince Harry”

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An American reality star reveals: “I spent a particularly erotic month with Prince Harry”

Catherine Omnami revealed for the first time in an interview with “Sun” magazine that somewhere in 2006 she spent several passionate weeks with the prince, when he was only 21 years old. “He was the best kiss I’ve ever had,” she said

The American reality star Kathryn Omnimi managed to cause a stir around the web recently when she revealed for the first time that she had a brief affair with Prince Harry, sometime in 2006, when he was in his early twenties, and she was 34 years old.

She revealed the surprising news during an interview with “Sun” magazine. “I doubt it will appear in Harry’s new book, he probably won’t want to tell that he spent a whole month with a mother of two,” she said. It seems that Catherine’s interview is not accidental, because Harry’s book will be released very soon and will reveal some love stories from his past.

‘We had some mutual friends, and he introduced himself to me. We spent one night at a party, so we also kissed,’ she said. She also added and said that already during this period Harry was accompanied by three bodyguards who accompanied him everywhere and even scolded him when he misbehaved.

“I remember we had a cigarette outside and he really opened up to me, he revealed details about his family, his grandmother and some close friends. To this day I can say with full confidence that Harry gave me the hottest and best kiss I have ever received in my life. I was speechless,” she concluded.

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