Hebrew News – Ashton Kutcher: “I considered jumping off the balcony”

by time news

The successful Hollywood actor has a twin brother who was born with cerebral palsy and has been responsible for him for many years. In the first interview of its kind, Kutcher reveals the difficult struggle of caring for his brother Michael, which at one point in his life led to thoughts of ending his life

Ashton Kutcher looks like many Hollywood stars like a person without problems, but it turns out that even the successful actor has a difficult family history. Kutcher has a twin brother named Michael who was born with severe cerebral palsy which affects his speech, hearing and vision. In addition, he suffers from a heart muscle disease. All these led the actor to take care of his brother for many years.

Now, Kutcher reveals for the first time that there were moments throughout the years when he experienced great difficulty, to the point that he thought of ending his life. According to the actor, the most difficult time was when his brother suffered from a severe inflammation of the heart muscle, when one of the times he came to visit him in the hospital, while Michael was fighting for his life, his heart stopped. “I remember being in the market. I couldn’t think about losing my brother,” said Ashton.

“I honestly considered jumping off the balcony. end my life At that time we were unable to find a suitable donor for a heart transplant that he had to undergo. I thought to myself that if I die, they can take my heart,’ he added and told. Finally, a donor was found for Michael, so he underwent a transplant, and his condition improved.

“Many times in my life I have asked myself how it is possible that I am lucky, while my brother has to go through all this,” Kutcher concluded. By the way, today his brother Michael is in a balanced and good condition, and he even works as a successful lawyer fighting for the rights of the disabled in the United States.

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