Hebrew News – Attention: three types of cancer that can be prevented

by time news

Cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide, and although this is a particularly alarming figure, it is important to know that there is something to be done – there are types of cancer that you can prevent with a few quick and easy steps. We have compiled everything you must know

Cancer is, as mentioned, one of the most common causes of death in the world – every year hundreds of thousands of people die because of the disease, and thousands more suffer from it. Today, the world of science and medicine recognizes over 200 types of cancerous tumors, which differ in the organs in which they develop, in the type of cells that characterize them, in the rate of their development, in the physical symptoms they cause, and more.

Unlike most types of cancer, in which only early diagnosis and correct treatment significantly improve the patients’ chances of survival, there are types of cancer that can actually be prevented. Here are three such cancers:

Cervical cancer

The fourth most common cancer among women in the world, and the second most common among women in developing countries. Despite the relatively low data, one of the main risk factors for this type of cancer is the papilloma virus, which is transmitted in various ways. Having unprotected sex, having relationships from a young age and having relationships with many partners – increase the risk of exposure and infection.

The good news is that cervical tumors mostly develop from pre-malignant changes that allow early detection and treatment to prevent the development of cancer. Unlike most cancers, whose development mechanism is complex, not fully understood and combines hereditary, structural, environmental and other factors – the main cause of cervical cancer is known: it is a tumor caused by a virus. The identification of the connection between infection with the human papilloma virus and the development of cervical tumors led to the development of vaccines against the virus, which help reduce the risk of developing pre-malignant and malignant tumors. The main preventive measure today against cervical cancer is the vaccine against the papilloma viruses that cause the disease. Although it is not used as a substitute for tests for the early detection of cervical cancer, because it only works against some of the strains of the virus that cause cancer, it is used as a good protective measure against this type of cancer. It is important to remember that although the vaccine protects against disease, the cervical screening routine must be continued, even after receiving the vaccine.

Melanoma skin cancer

This cancerous tumor usually begins in the skin or a mole, and it may appear in the skin all over the body, where in women the most common area is the skin of the calves, while in men the skin of the back is the area where cancerous tumors are most often detected. The main risk factor for melanoma is uncontrolled exposure to the sun or exposure to artificial UV radiation through the use of tanning beds or lamps that emit radiation. Therefore, one of the ways to prevent this type of cancer is to be sure to apply sunscreen, avoid tanning and exposure to the sun, and use accessories such as sunglasses, a hat and long clothing. Paying extra attention to suspicious spots on the skin and a periodic visit to a dermatologist may prevent the development of this cancer.

Colorectal Cancer

This type is especially common over the age of 50, and the risk of getting it increases with age. When the disease is detected at an early stage, the chances of recovery reach about 90 percent. Therefore, there is great importance in early detection that increases the chances of recovery from colon cancer. Unlike cervical cancer and melanoma, where you can monitor tumors that develop and understand whether it is a cancerous tumor or not, in colon cancer there is no way to know except through a screening test.

The first step in the prevention of colon cancer is a colonoscopy – if you have reached the age of 50, ask your family doctor for a referral for a colonoscopy. This is an examination performed under a mask, in which a doctor identifies polyps that may develop into a tumor and removes them on the spot – thus preventing the development of the disease and preserving the quality of life.

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