Hebrew News – Ben Affleck reveals: “If I had stayed with my wife I would have continued to drink”

by time news

Ben Affleck reveals: “If I had stayed with my wife I would have continued to drink”

The Hollywood actor recently said in a personal and revealing interview that one of the reasons he became addicted to alcohol was the fact that he felt imprisoned and depressed within his relationship with his wife, actress Jennifer Garner. Affleck also said that the current relationship with the mythological ex, Jennifer Lopez

Ben Affleck is currently promoting a new film starring him (directed by actor George Clooney) and accordingly the actor skips between interviews and reveals quite a few personal details about his life. Affleck recently came to be interviewed on the Howard Stern talk show and talked about his relationship with his ex-wife, actress Jennifer Garner.

At first, Affleck said that the comeback to Lopez was accompanied by a lot of concerns, mainly because he knew it would provoke a big storm throughout the Hollywood swamp and around the world, in light of the fact that Lopez had recently broken up with her fiancé, Alex Rodriguez. ‘I hesitated about this whole comeback for a long time. “I did not want to hurt my children, I know my life affects theirs,” he said.

Afterwards, Affleck talked about the relationship with his ex-wife and said that if he was still with her he would probably continue to drink. ‘I felt trapped in this marriage, that was one of the reasons I started drinking. “I was not happy, but I also felt that I could not leave my children,” he said.

As you may recall, the two have three children, Wilt (16), Serpina (12) and Samuel (9). Affleck said that for years they tried to solve the problems between them, without success. ‘We were many all the time, but we managed to maintain mutual respect. “Jennifer is a good mother, and I should have sobered up,” he concluded.

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