Hebrew News – Biden’s “summit for democracy” is mocked by dictatorships and indifferent by allies

by time news

Biden’s “summit for democracy” receives indifference from allies, and ridicule from dictatorships

Pakistan is the breeze, Russia and China are mocking, and the Western media barely covered the event – this is how it is when the world flees from American hegemony to a new geopolitics led by China

The second summit of the American State Department for Democracy, which took place this week from Tuesday to Thursday, was disappointing.

It was rejected outright by Pakistan and ridiculed by the rising authoritarian powers – China and Russia.

The main story was Pakistan, which pulled out of the summit at the last minute, declaring that it could “promote and strengthen diplomatic principles” ‘perfectly’ on its own.

Analysts in the field of foreign policy suspected that the real reasons for Pakistan’s abandonment were an internal affair that is stirring up the country these days.

At the center of the affair is the former Prime Minister, Imran Khan, who began to gather support on the streets in his attempt to return to his position, out of a foreign policy based on a desire to appease China – at the same time, the new government accuses him of ‘acts of terrorism’.

In practice, Pakistan may have skipped the summit because it is expected to face human rights criticism from the other countries present.

This, especially after the government of the current Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif, began to take measures against the political statements of the opposition. ,

Khan, for his part, refused to participate in the first summit conference for democracy when he was in power – and since he publicly accused the United States of conspiring to remove him from office last year, he is also not expected to participate in next year’s summit if he does return to his senior position.

And what about the countries that challenge American hegemony?

Well, the Russian news service “Tass” on Wednesday quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying that Biden’s summit “can hardly be considered a serious event” – he even called the summit a ‘lesson’.

“Those who agreed to participate in the class were free to do so, of course. This is their sovereign right, but here, in fact, many see that such attempts to divide the world into first- and second-class countries are now viewed by many with a smile,” Peskov said.

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, tweeted saying that the summit for democracy “mainly represents countries that obey Washington’s policies”, and a few more that participated only because they want to do a favor to the United States.

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, dismissed the event as “an expression of the US’s neo-colonial practices”.

The “Global Times” newspaperThe Chinese, which is run by the Communist Party, argued that the United States has no business offering lessons about democracy when faced with a mass shooting like the one in Nashville on Monday.

And you, have you heard somewhere about the summit?

Probably not really.

Fact – it barely received serious coverage even in the American media…

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