Hebrew News – China has located a mysterious object on the moon in the shape of a “cabin”

by time news

The Chinese space agency sends its Loner Rover vehicle to investigate the unidentified geometric object observed on the dark side of the moon

China sends its spacecraft on the moon to a point on its dark side, to explore a mysterious cube-shaped object.

The mysterious object identified on the moon (Photo: China National Space Agency)

The geometric white object, strangely visible against the black horizon in the images that caused Chinese scientists, from the ‘Change 4’ mission, to send the Yutu 2 vehicle on a 2 to 3 month journey to check what object was observed. This was reported by Our Space – a scientific information channel in the Chinese language, identified with the government space program.

The vehicle that was sent was called the Lunar Rover, or the lunar rover vehicle – a four-wheeled vehicle powered by batteries, developed to allow astronauts or space equipment to move across the moon.

China’s National Space Director, CNSA, describes the object as a “mysterious hut.” “This thing is really interesting. We need to go investigate it,” scientists on the mission team were quoted as saying. When it was announced, the agency even joked that the object could be a house built by aliens, and it was reported that a “small” crater had been identified, right next to the object.

The Loner Rover spotted the object last month, about 80 feet away. Since the average speed of the space vehicle is less than a meter per day on Earth, and it does not operate when it is dark on the moon, it will take about 3 months before it can reach the strange object.

In July 2019, Yutu 2 made another unique discovery, when it found a strange and colorful “gel-like” substance with a “mysterious shine”. The material has not been explained to date.

About two weeks ago, the US Department of Defense announced that it was setting up a new department to streamline the collection and analysis of data on UFOs, after earlier this year government officials said it was worth studying in depth the issue – which could pose a threat to national security.

The Pentagon will assemble a new team whose role is to find and identify UFOs in the airspace, as well as examine reports received.

“The intrusion of any flying object into our airspace poses a safety concern for flights and operations, and may also pose challenges to national security. The Department of Defense takes invasion reports very seriously – by any flying object, identified or unidentified, and investigates each one.”

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