Hebrew News – Do you like cats? You don’t want to miss this new docu

by time news

Do you like cats? You don’t want to miss this new docu

Director Mia Hang in a new film that is all about the strange and interesting relationship between men and cats. This is how we look for a street dweller whose cat he found is his whole world, a truck driver who thanks to his cat cultivated his photography hobby and more

Mia Hung tries to break the myth in her new docu that a cat is a female animal, that is for women only, and she certainly succeeds in doing it. We all know the cat ladies, when in the United States it is a real phenomenon. But with men? Well, it turns out that they also have a place, as you can find out in the new movie “Fathers and Cats”.

The new documentary follows nine men from different states in the United States, each living in a different environment, working in a different job, but all of them fell in love with a cat, and formed an especially deep emotional connection with them. For example, there is the actor and model Nathan Kahn, who became a network influencer thanks to his cats, the businessman Will Zweigart who founded an organization to save Brooklyn cats, the street dweller David whose cat, Lucky, is his whole world, and on and on.

The common denominator for all of them is the way cats have changed their lives. The film seeks to show how cats enable these men to live better lives. Even in the case of David, who is homeless, but thanks to Lucky’s love he feels alive, that he has something to live for. Who to take responsibility for?

The personal connection to cats is explored by the director in depth and she tries to show how the affection that the protagonists shower on their pets, turns even the toughest and roughest into those who are able to share feelings and open up to others. But apart from the relationship between men and cats, aspects of gender prejudices were also revealed. Thus, at the very beginning of the film, we understand that there is no huge difference between men and women, except for the way society sees them from the outside.

As mentioned, it is common to think that cats bond more with women, while men actually prefer dogs. But Huang explains that men are educated to prefer dogs in society perhaps because in many cases dogs are adopted as a means of security and protection. As we know, cats are more independent, they don’t show off, but that doesn’t mean they are less loyal or affectionate. In the end, the main point of the film is a question – “Why do men have to be so masculine all the time and shouldn’t we cultivate other qualities like tolerance and compassion?”

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