Hebrew News – Festive relocation: Queen Elizabeth moves into a new residence

by time news

Festive relocation: Queen Elizabeth moves into a new residence

A source from the royal family reveals that Queen Elizabeth has decided to leave Buckingham Palace and move permanently to Windsor Castle, where she has spent the last few months. ‘All her and her husband’s memories, Prince Philip, are there. The move makes sense and is required, “said a source close to the family

Only shortly after recovering from Corona, Queen Elizabeth decided to make a solemn relocation, leave Buckingham Palace and move to Windsor Castle, which would become her permanent abode. “The queen is leaving the palace and will now be living permanently at Windsor Castle, where she has spent most of the last few months, almost since the outbreak of the corona virus,” explains an acquaintance of the royal family.

He further said that the Queen loves to stay at Windsor Castle, where most of her memories are of her and her late husband, Prince Philip. In addition, according to reports, another consideration of the Queen is the fact that the castle is close to the house of Prince Edward and his wife, Sophie. As well as to the house of Prince Andrew.

The Queen’s relocation is not particularly surprising in light of rumors in recent months about her deteriorating health. Although the palace is careful to broadcast business as usual, saying at every possible opportunity that every Elizabeth continues to conduct herself as usual and perform chores, many take care of her well-being, and she does not seem to be at her best, having in recent months even started using a cane.

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